Who: Minato and Rise
Where: Cottage #22, Espoir
Style: I'll start in first, but... Mart picks.
Status: Closed. ...Except for other inhabitants? Not sure, :|a;
[Shortly after
this call, Minato would be making his way to cottage #22 in Espoir. He hasn't got to know them very well, but it was obvious enough that while Rise and Souji possessed a link just as strong as he did with his senpais, she... also had a pretty big crush on him. He's caught enough from their talk to know that this is not the first time that Souji came to Somarium and then left, too; that's... It even stumped him, a little.
But hey, it's White Day today too. If Souji can't return the gift that she gave them on Valentine's, then it was up to him to double that, even if the double was on short notice. Somehow. So he will be there now, carrying a medium-sized white gift bag wrapped up with a neat pink ribbon on the handle, as he knocked softly thrice on the door to her place.]