Ryoji | 03

Feb 28, 2010 20:35

Who: Ryoji, anyone
Where: The Warehouse
Style: Third, plox. The mun needs the practice. XD
Status: OPEN

He was so...tiredRyoji groaned in protest as he tried to lift his head off his pillow. Why was he so tired? He could barely even lift his chin up to look around the room. First he was separated from Minato and Akihiko in this strange place, then ( Read more... )

!location: warehouse, !moon: cycle 08, ryoji mochizuki

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un_forgetting March 1 2010, 05:40:59 UTC
Clack, clack, clack. Naoya had left his room on a whim, listening to the echo of his geta against the walls. This place...there was no way out. Trapped. Rats in a cage, or perhaps a maze. He had to wonder if there would be any 'cheese', so to speak.

But he didn't particularly care. He had other things to worry about. Like where the hell his brother was. Goddammit...

...And what was this he was sensing? Naoya's eyes narrowed. Well, well, what had we here?

"....This is unexpected..."


gotnyxed March 1 2010, 05:59:11 UTC
A voice...?

Even if it was a guy, it was one of the most beautiful things he'd ever heard. Funny how being isolated from everyone was affecting him. He didn't really care, either.

He looked up, breathing in relief at the sight of another human being. The man looked familiar, but in the haze of weariness he couldn't think straight. "I...need help..."

Ryoji took one step into the hall and stumbled, only having the energy to cringe and splay his hands on the concrete floor as his knee hit the same unforgiving surface.


un_forgetting March 1 2010, 06:05:03 UTC
"So it seems..." Naoya stared down at him, curious. His energy seemed to be being drained much more than he was...interesting. And he didn't look so well, either.

"There's no way I can replenish your energy, Mochizuki."


gotnyxed March 1 2010, 06:21:21 UTC
He looked up at the stranger, trying to once again pull himself to his feet. "W-what... How do you know me?"

God, his head was an entire fog right now.


un_forgetting March 1 2010, 07:49:04 UTC
"I have my ways...don't you have other things to concern yourself with right now?"

Naoya made no move to help him up, simply watching. This sense about him...how had he not noticed before? It was fascinating.


gotnyxed March 1 2010, 07:55:08 UTC
A sense that might have been getting stronger the more Ryoji was drained. Incredibly slowly, that was for sure. If he were to be in this place for a month, then...well. Who knew.

But here and now, he was still human. And fragile.

He lost his balance and fell again, knocking his knees against the floor again. "I...I can't get up. Please..."


un_forgetting March 1 2010, 08:05:02 UTC
"You're a sorry sight, aren't you..." Naoya leaned down some, hauling him up by the scarf.

"Sure you want to be moving around, Avatar?"


gotnyxed March 1 2010, 08:14:13 UTC
The scarf pulled taut around Ryoji's throat, making him gag and gasp until he moved his feet to find the floor, using his grasp on the stranger's arm as an aid for balance. "W-what are you talking about?!"


un_forgetting March 1 2010, 08:22:20 UTC
"Haven't you realized it yet?" Naoya chuckled, leaning in a little bit. Well, well, well...this wasn't how he'd expected to run into the Lady's little pet.

"Well, I suppose you'll discover soon enough. Such a shame...even you couldn't bend fate."


gotnyxed March 1 2010, 08:36:11 UTC
"I...I really don't know what you're talking about. I'm sorry..." First that one strange boy, then Akihiko-senpai, then this man...was everyone around him going insane?

But his dreams...they frightened him. And the holes in his memory...

His head was throbbing. He was Ryoji. How could he really be anything else?


un_forgetting March 1 2010, 08:39:30 UTC
"Oh? Have you forgotten, Thanatos? Forgotten the name 'Nyx'?"

He'd met the Greek gods briefly, long ago. He hadn't much liked them, but this was so amusing. Naoya's smirk grew, glittering at the thought. Now there was an interesting conundrum...

"What are you afraid of...?"


gotnyxed March 1 2010, 08:48:41 UTC
Something cracked through his skull at that name. Every syllable resounded through his brain like a microphone in an auditorium. He froze, spellbound, staring at the stranger like he was staring death in the face.

Thanatos Thanatos Nyx Nyx NYX...

No, not again. That migraine was tearing through his head again, trying to burrow so deep that...

No. I don't want to...

Didn't want to what? He was so scared he was shaking. But why? Stunned, he pulled back from the stranger, mouth constantly opening and closing, almost like a fish. That's not me. It can't be me!

"Me," he answered weakly.


un_forgetting March 1 2010, 08:50:52 UTC
Naoya leaned down, took a step forward, grin vicious and cold. There we go...That's what he wanted to see. There wasn't any risk. He'd come back anyway.

"Don't be. Everything dies, child."


carpo_vita March 1 2010, 09:14:14 UTC
It didn't take a genius to put one and one together when Naoya is seen looming over a shaking Ryoji. And that presence - he didn't need Fuuka to be able to tell. That being existed within him for ten years; it was all the more easier for Minato to understand just what the hell is going on.

He already ran his way here. A few more rushed steps won't change anything, as he covers the final few steps and comes up from behind Ryoji.


The voice was firm and diamond-hard. A tone that he may recognize - it was already used once before in his presence. His stony gray eyes were icy; the usually gentle and soft-spoken boy was fully replaced by an imperious and strong figure who will not move until his will has been obeyed.

"That's enough. Please let go of my friend. I will not ask twice."

And without looking around he rests a hand and gives a light squeeze on Ryoji's shoulder - you may be ----- but you are Ryoji Mochizuki and you are my friend so please hang in there and I will be by your side - be strong. He's not alone.


gotnyxed March 1 2010, 09:27:05 UTC
Ryoji pulled his shoulder away from Minato, almost falling again as he did so. "Don't touch me!"

As he caught his balance and pressed his hands to cover his eyes (everything was too damn bright in here), he tried to make a sob sound more like a sigh. It wasn't especially convincing. "I'm...I'm sorry, Minato-kun. I... Please. I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to hurt anyone..."

It was coming back now. Piece by piece, some memories still in fragments while the others...


un_forgetting March 1 2010, 09:30:33 UTC
Naoya's gaze shifted to Minato, and he chuckled, shaking his head. He couldn't prevent it, not even here.

"...You won't be able to stop it, Arisato. Best figure out what to do before then." He turned then, the clack of his geta ringing hollowly on the floor.


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