[Atoli] - 007

Feb 27, 2010 23:54

Who: Atoli, Haseo.
Where: Warehouse - in Atoli's room.
Style: Either way. :D
Status: Semi-closed, feel free to PM if you want in ~

Atoli stirred in her bed; she wanted to turn but something really warm was blocking her way. How weird - did she have something like this on her bed? Maybe it was a plushie ...

She put her hand on whatever it was to move it aside for now. But it was too smooth to be a plushie or any time of stuffed animal that could have been on her bed. And ... muscular too. She blinked her eyes open slowly, staring at someone's flat chest. Probably a male. He had the same shirt that Haseo-san had.


Haseo-san. In her bed. Snuggling.

Surely this must be a dream. I-I mean... surely this couldn't be true?

To make sure she touched Haseo's cheek - ... yep, he was real.

!location: warehouse, endrance, !moon: cycle 08, haseo, atoli

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