Chii | 06 | Different world?

Feb 27, 2010 18:38

Who: Chii and anyone else who comes across her
Where: Anywhere in the warehouse
Style: Either is fine with me
Status: OPEN!

[This had not been a good week for Chii. First Shiro's name had disappeared from the contacts list, then the dreamberries had started acting weird, then Boris vanished without a trace, and now this? Things were just not ( Read more... )

kyon, !location: warehouse, !moon: cycle 08, echo, xerxes break, alice liddell (heart no kuni), chii

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charientisms February 28 2010, 00:48:03 UTC
[On his way to meet up with Lab, he spies who else but Chii. And how can he pass up this opportunity?]

Miss Chii? Are you lost?


[Japanese] clueless_com February 28 2010, 01:15:58 UTC
[Oh, she remembers this person.]

Break! [But she can't understand what he's saying D:]


[English] charientisms February 28 2010, 01:24:36 UTC
[...So the translators were still malfunctioning. What a shame. Have a smile.]

My~ It seems as though we cannot understand each other.

[A pause, and then he gestures to her, bringing his other floppily-sleeved hand up in a shrug. A basic 'How are you' gesture, anyway.]

Have you been well, Miss Chii?


[Japanese] clueless_com February 28 2010, 02:31:29 UTC
[Thankfully Chii was very good at interpreting hand gestures since she liked to use them a lot herself.]

How is Chii? Chii is...okay. Chii feels lonely without Boris around.


[English] charientisms February 28 2010, 03:12:22 UTC
[He doesn't understand her, but he's good enough at reading people to know that she's sad, and when he catches Boris' name amongst the Japanese, it isn't hard to make the connection. Lonely, then.]

Well~ Boris would want for you to stay safe, wouldn't he?


[Japanese] clueless_com February 28 2010, 04:03:45 UTC
[Blinks at his words. She heard Boris's name in there, but the rest of the message was lost on her.]



[English] charientisms February 28 2010, 09:29:25 UTC
[This is bothersome. He gestures around them, at the scratching sounds of creepy monster things.]

Not safe, is it?

[He shakes his head.]

Boris would not be happy.

[Eeeh. If she doesn't understand him, he can at least get this across and still salvage this chance to get her away from the rat. He offers her a hand.]

Shall we get somewhere safe?


[Japanese] clueless_com February 28 2010, 19:24:37 UTC
[The gestures did help a lot, and Chii is pretty sure she got what he meant.]

Boris wouldn't want Chii to be alone with the bad noises?

[Smiles and takes his hand.]

Thank you. Chii will be safe with Break.


[English] charientisms February 28 2010, 19:43:31 UTC
[Well, that worked out quite nicely. After all, Break has no qualms about contact if it furthers his aims, and this most certainly does.

Hm...Perhaps it would be best to find someone that can translate? Or even better, merely a person who can watch over Chii and keep her from Vincent, though Boris is out of the question right now.

He will find a way to use this to his advantage.

And of course, he can infer that he is being thanked.]

Of course, Miss Chii.

[Leading down the hall now~]


[Japanese] clueless_com February 28 2010, 20:13:32 UTC
[Chii feels a lot better now that she has someone to walk with in this warehouse. She wished she could speak the language Break did, but she would work with what she could for now.

So she'll be content with letting Break lead the way~]


[English] charientisms February 28 2010, 20:19:00 UTC
[D'awww, Chii. It's a shame he's only looking out for you because it's in his interests to do so, but hey.

He doesn't actually know where they are, but the warehouse has a simple, easy layout.

As they pass doors on either side, he gestures to them, asking Chii in a questioning tone:]

Do you know where any of your friends are?

[A pause. He tilts his head. In case Chii hadn't gotten the meaning of 'friend'--]

Like Boris.


[Japanese] clueless_com February 28 2010, 20:38:39 UTC
[Looks at the doors and shakes her head]

No, Chii has not found many of her friends yet.


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