hermione. seven.

Jan 31, 2010 20:58

Who: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Magnus Bane, and Senji Kiyomasa
Where: Espoir (from Hermione's place to Senji's)
Style: First (hope that's all right)
Status: Closed

[Staying in her cottage the last few days planning strategies for the wand retrieving mission has kept Hermione unaware of the changes the most recent moon cycle has caused, other than the Dreamberry subtitles, of course. She's standing at the front door now, her bag draped over her shoulder, the plans and strategies memorized and stored away for later - information that she'd probably give to Malfoy on the walk over.]

{Where is he? I told him to meet me down here at noon.}


kiyomasa senji, magnus bane, draco malfoy, !moon: cycle 04, !location: espoir, hermione granger

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