[ kirijou, mitsuru ] ♚ 001

Jan 17, 2010 17:05

[ who ] Mitsuru Kirijou, and anyone at all?
[ where ] Library
[ style ] Either
[ status ] OPEN!

[ The red head just found the library that took Yukari a while to find way back when. She's somewhat surprised that she had remembered its location, but it didn't bother her as much as it should have. Having previous memories slowly resurfacing was a ( Read more... )

!location: library, mitsuru kirijou, !location: somni, akihiko sanada, minato arisato

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carpo_vita January 18 2010, 02:18:13 UTC
[And as promised, Minato's off to the library to meet his senpai. Carrying his shoulder bag out of habit, and there's a pair of auburn leather gloves that matches senpai's hair color. He also figured that he'll walk her back to the dorm Hotel Dusk later once they're done - that is, if Akihiko-senpai himself didn't possibly rush here first before that happens.

The door creaks open some time later, but old habits die hard. Even if this is Somarium, it's still a library - so he won't call out for her, opting to instead walk around and listen, hoping that he'll either be able to trace senpai with her footsteps, or she'll be able to do so for him.]


/THREADJACKS :V rise_to_caesar January 18 2010, 02:49:59 UTC
[You guessed it, Minato. Akihiko's already here.]

[Stepping out from one of the aisles of bookshelves, the boxer catches sight of his friend and waves an arm, trying to catch his attention.]


<333 rose_devotion January 18 2010, 03:10:14 UTC
[While the boys were greeting each other, Mitsuru didn't waste much time when she entered the library. She opted herself to look around the shelves and what not to go and pick out a few books that would be of use to them. She knew they were here, upon glancing at Akihiko's entry first, she also looked over briefly to notice Minato's form, but didn't stop from her search.

She greets them each with a nod and her usual]

I appreciate the assistance.

[She replied with a small smile towards both of them, and said in a low tone]


\o/ carpo_vita January 18 2010, 03:17:49 UTC
[Waving back at Akihiko-senpai. I am not surprised to see you here senpai, and also acknowledging Mitsuru-senpai with a nod.]

Shall we look for anything specific, or whatever that we may judge to be useful? [Because he's starting to run his eyes through the shelves, and... there seems to be a lack of books on information. :|a Just 'how-to's and the like, and stories that he's never heard of before.

...In a place like this, though, what's actually fiction, and what's reality for another world?]


rise_to_caesar January 18 2010, 03:25:00 UTC
Information here tends to be relatively scarce. I can't say I know if we'll find much on what we're looking for but there's bound to be something. [Akihiko pulls his Dreamberry out of his pocket, scrolling through the information it presents] I have a feeling we're likely to find the same information in the library as we can on the network.


rose_devotion January 18 2010, 03:27:58 UTC
[Mitsuru gets onto the ladder and tries to look for some more books on the upper shelves and so far, they're not very useful. Some seemed fascinating that she would give a look at on a later date, but more specifically, she wanted to find more information regarding the dream world... what was its main purpose and the dreams? She wants to understand this all this time around]

Anything that is deemed useful. Perhaps, a history of this place...or the creation of it. It might be a possibility that there isn't but it doesn't hurt to try.

[She looked over at Akihiko]

Most likely, though some information on the network might be too brief.


carpo_vita January 18 2010, 03:39:29 UTC
The Document folder of the Dreamberry is quite interesting, actually. They mention an invasion and a murder, and spoke of the Dreamwalkers. I've met someone a few days back who confirmed the murder to me: it was a small girl, a resident ghost of this world. The Overlord's castle is open for investigation as well, from what I've gathered - a place that was previously closed off to the general public. A pass is needed, however, and two dreams are necessary. Maybe a visit to the Overlord's shop once we obtain enough credit would give us a better lead.


Actually, I wonder if there is anything left here. I did some extensive browsing of the Network since my arrival - the dreams and video posts made by other residents are archived after a week, but I've still learned quite a few things. It was mentioned a while back that a lot of the books within the library were either destroyed, or went missing. I don't see any damage now, but... A loss of written archives here means a loss of overall information. The bigger question, however, would ( ... )


rise_to_caesar January 18 2010, 03:50:06 UTC
I remember that murder, I was in the castle when the body was discovered. A lot of people were; no one is sure how we all got up there either. Things grew pretty hectic with all of us trying to figure out what exactly was going on but I don't think anything got resolved. We all ended up waking up back in our own homes. [He'll leave out the part where he woke up and found himself dressed as a Jack Frost.]

To my knowledge, we can access the castle any time now. I haven't been up there since the incident so I can't say what we'll find. My guess is the Overlord isn't going to give us anything vital or else we'd all probably be back home right now.


rose_devotion January 18 2010, 03:58:42 UTC
[So things have gotten much more complicated than her list visit. The place, becomes almost foreign to her as she listens to Minato's words. All those things that he was saying, she's definitely going to spend the night looking into it and try to pinch in any small details that could be used. The ghosts... she was quite unaware of, since her time there, she had not seen any or researched up to that pint]

Things have become very different from my last experience. It is crucial, now.

[She paused a moment, as she stepped down from the ladder. Upon hearing Akihiko's words about the castle and the dead body and what not, she would like to see the castle. The castle that she stared at everyday for the last time. She always wondered if they could actually explore it, and it seems that it is definitely possible now. He had a point. If they left anything for them to use, it would be problematic to them, so, anything proved useful might be removed before being noticed. She's not ready to give up, though.]Hmmm... it means whatever it is ( ... )


carpo_vita January 18 2010, 04:16:34 UTC
So everyone was brought there against their will, and then sent back to their residence in Somarium again. ...Yeah, Albarn-san told me that much too; the aftermath still remains unclear.

I concur, though we may still be able to find some clues. We'll still need to pay the entrance fee first, though. I'll have to work on that. Do you have a Castle Pass, Akihiko-senpai?

[He flips out his Dreamberry, takes a look, and then turns back to Mitsuru.]

It's January now. The calendar system here is the same one as on Earth - it'll make it easier for us. What was the last month you remember of being here, Mitsuru-senpai? The murder happened in October. The information about an invasion was released in July. It's hypothetical, but I also think that it may be the reason why all of us here now are from other worlds, and why none of us have yet to meet an individual whose home world is Somarium itself. They spoke of monsters called Noctaere; maybe it's just me, but I can't help but think of the Shadows when they're mentioned.


1/2 rise_to_caesar January 18 2010, 04:22:32 UTC
[Akihiko nods, paying a visit to the castle definitely sounds in order.]

Heh, keep this up and you're going to be taking over Mitsuru's job. [He gives Minato a light and playful jab in the shoulder. Mitsuru's usually the one explaining things in detail.]

Anyway, I don't have a pass just yet. There's a shop we can go to and request one; as I've said before, they deal in dreams here. We pay for certain items with a dream of some type. I've never done it myself but I know of a few others who have.

I'm pretty sure it's located in E--


2/2 somghostnpc January 18 2010, 04:24:30 UTC
[A sudden burst of raucous laughter erupts through the library, a rotund and jolly spirit materializing a short distance from the group]


[The captain waggles a chubby, translucent finger, his attention focused on Minato and Mitsuru]



LOL LOL I had to stop typing to laugh! XD rose_devotion January 18 2010, 04:34:07 UTC
We should try to find some information on the aftermath, if there is any floating about. Any will suffice. As long as we can put something likable together. Perhaps, the aftermath might be a useful clue to us. Yes, the Entrance Fee.

[Since Arisato seems to grasp the situation pretty fairly, Mitsuru will remain silent as she will browse briefly through her Dreamberry as well, trying to read up probably on some of the information that was presently said to her and maybe something else as well. She looks up at his words. Mitsuru opened her mouth to add on other details when the loud voice stopped her in her tracks and made her stare at him, slightly surprised... slightly disturbed. Where did this man come from?!]

I believe it to be March of last year.

[She replied. Since she still had her memories, some of her other posts, she could still see, and well make a date from there. If the murder happened in October, and there was an invasion in July, she was definitely not there for any of it.]Yes, I've heard about the Noctaere, shadow ( ... )


1/4 here we go carpo_vita January 18 2010, 04:48:58 UTC
[;; senpaaaaaai. ;A;] It doesn't hurt to stay on top of things, Akihiko-senpai.


2/4 carpo_vita January 18 2010, 04:49:09 UTC
[OH GOD WHAT IS THAT LOUD NOISE IS IT SOME KIND OF DEMENTED SHADOW. Battle-honed reflex makes his hand automatically reach for his Evoker hidden beneath his jacket as he took a step back in a crouched, and defensive position. He was ready to evade too, shall the need arise.]


3/4 carpo_vita January 18 2010, 04:49:25 UTC

Only to register a Pirate Goast Ghost.




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