joshua ₪ 005

Jan 08, 2010 22:50

Who: Josh, Kiyoshi, Neku
Where: Rivera Apartments
Style: You two pick
Status: Open ... just in case (just let one of us know~)

[ After a brief conversation with whom Joshua had rather 'affectionately' dubbed 'Phones Junior', or at least, snarkily in his mind he had, he had taken to heading towards Neku's room. It wasn't too late, so it was likely that the other was still up. ...This was an excellent chance to probe for information ♥ Anyway, he calls down the hall, ]

Neku~ I hate to interrupt whatever fun you may be having, but we're having company. So make yourself at least halfway decent so you don't scar him.

[ooc: post order: josh-neku-kiyoshi? ]

devil survivor mc (kiyoshi yamada), yoshiya "joshua" kiryu, neku sakuraba

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