nunnally ❦ two (backdated to the 28th)

Dec 31, 2009 00:03

Who: Nunnally vi Britannia
Where: Wandering around Espoir
Event-based Location: Palace used by Lelouch and surrounding grounds (the "city" is Somni)
Style: Either
Status: Open like a very open thing~


Nunnally supposed there was something almost akin to poetic justice at work here. That she, who had inadvertently condoned the destruction of a still-populated Pendragon, should find herself all alone in what seemed to be the ruins of the palace they'd been using as their temporary residence. The section of the palace where her, Zero, and her surviving siblings' rooms were was in decent, though far from pristine, condition, but the upper stories of everything else had been completely annihilated. Snow had piled up on the once rich carpets and Nunnally wasn't having the easiest time making her way around- in reality she was trying to move the wheelchair over a snow-covered field- but she pressed on. There must have been an attack, but who could it have been? It had seemed like world peace was going to become a reality thanks to her brother's sacrifice, but now...who knew?

She'd checked the grounds, part of the city...nothing. They'd become ghost towns, and while Nunnally was glad that there weren't any bodies, she couldn't help but worry about the people she knew. Suzaku wouldn't have left her all by herself unless something had happened that didn't allow him to come back for her. Maybe he and Cornelia had been captured and she was expected to negotiate with the kidnappers? Or maybe they'd decided kidnapping her was too much work. As Lelouch's prisoner, she'd gone through many guards who had possessed varying degrees of impatience for her disability and it was certainly plausible that whoever had done this had preferred to leave her to die. But if that was the case, everyone else's futures looked grim indeed. Swallowing the rising feeling of panic, Nunnally kept moving through the "castle." There had to be a working phone or computer around here somewhere, right? And maybe, just maybe, someone coming to find her.

nunnally vi britannia, !location: espoir, goku (saiyuki), c.c., !moon: cycle 00

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