Shiro » 09

Dec 23, 2009 12:12

Who: Shiro and Chii
Where: Rivera Apartments, Chii's apartment
Style: Either one works bb
Status: Semi-open? Idk lmao

After speaking over the phone briefly with Chii, Shiro had decided that the best thing to do to cure any sort of bad feelings, was to eat them out with cookies. After aqurining a tin of Christmas tree shaped cookies that she had no yet tore through, she thought that sharing them with Chii would brighten her friend's day.

Finally arriving, she knocked on Chii's apartment door with a gloved hand and waited for her to open it. Chii had been there to help comfort her when her friends left, and Shiro thought that the only resonable thing to do was to show that as if her friend, Shiro was there for Chii as well.

!location: somni, chii, shiro

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