Heather | 001

Dec 11, 2009 16:05

Who: Heather and anyone else
Where: Espoir
Style: Either is fine by me! /o/
Status: OPEN!

Since finding the information she got from those she talked to on the phone useless, Heather decided to check things out for herself. Thankfully, the place where she was taking shelter from the cold wasn't too far from the fountain; where she first found herself. Carrying only a handgun at her side, Heather investigated where she came to in this place. She knew if worst come to worst, she could run back quickly to where she hid her other weapons but for now they would only slow her down.

Despite the fact that everything looked normal for now, she couldn't help but feel uneasy about this place. It just didn't make sense at all how she ended up here. She was supposed to have jump down after whatever took Claudia, not in this stupid, sad excuse for wonderland. All this just made her even more frustrated with her current situation.

"What the hell is going on here?..." she said aloud to herself in irritation.

pierce villiers, !location: espoir, heather mason, namine

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