Argilla 001 // Not Quite Purgatory

Dec 06, 2009 13:25

Who: Argilla, and whoever else might happen along
Where: Somni
Style: Either
Status: Open!

With all that white coating the streets of wherever she was, Argilla knew that she stuck out. The grey Tribe uniform was perfect for blending in on the Junkyard battle fields, but not so much for this place with all of that…That…

"…Snow?" Argilla tried, looking around again. That seemed to be the right word for what was on the ground.

Her fingers stayed tight around her gun's strap as she walked. She didn't know HOW she'd managed to bring that through with her, or hung onto it while the Junkyard exploded into that flare of light. But Argilla found that she didn't mind that the rifle had come with her. It was good to have something she recognized close on hand…And something other then what was slowly digging into her stomach, and whispering in the back of her mind how hungry it was-

Argilla took that as a sign to walk faster.

She stopped as she got closer to a street sign; that was also a bit familiar. She'd seen battered, rusted remains of those sticking out of the ground before. Never in as good repair as this, though. And never with such an odd image taped and pasted over one of the signs.

"…What is all of this?" She finally asked out loud, still looking up at the street sign, and all that strangeness beyond it.

!location: somni, cielo, gale, kazuki hihara, !location: espoir, argilla

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