*zoro is training out in the cold, because obviously the cold is the best temperature for training(?!). he opens one eye while he's balancing weights on his outstreched arms and spots the unfamiliar face*
[ Of course it is. What temperature is better? Although, when Russia pauses and turns, he can't help but think that that's... a little dangerous to be doing. But he smiles regardless - it was the stranger's funeral, after all. ]
*rolls his eyes* I don't think ANY of us here usually dream about this place. Anyway, if you're looking for a place to stay, just grab any empty house. They're all free, apparently.
Hell if I know. It's not like we have a choice in that matter, from what I've heard. Things just happen here with or without our consent, and to be honest... it's pissing me off. If you want to stay in dreamland or whatever, be my guest.
Да? Me?
[ His smile wavers. That sounded stupid, didn't it? But oh well, it was the truth. ]
Would you tell me where I am, да?
Somarium. Apparently, it's some kinda dream world, I guess. Not really sure how that really works, but you mysteriously "show up" in your sleep.
Ah! So I am dreaming, да?
[ Puts on a rather large grin. ]
That is good. Although... I do not usually dream in English. Or about green-haired body builders...
*rolls his eyes* I don't think ANY of us here usually dream about this place. Anyway, if you're looking for a place to stay, just grab any empty house. They're all free, apparently.
I did not think dreams usually worked like that! Should not I... simply wake up?
Hell if I know. It's not like we have a choice in that matter, from what I've heard. Things just happen here with or without our consent, and to be honest... it's pissing me off. If you want to stay in dreamland or whatever, be my guest.
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