Gilgamesh [ 金 ] 010 - Backdated to November 6th but everyone loves time paradoxes \o\

Nov 17, 2009 09:21

Who: Gilgamesh and Saber.
Where: 20 fl- No wait... Hanging from about 10 floors up on the side of their apartment, in the business section. |DDD
Style: First
Status: OPEN They're hanging from the side of a building under plain daylight. Come see the fail, /o/

[It was a peaceful day in Somarium.

That is, unless you were wandering in the Business Section. Then you may be startled by the fact that from one of the taller buildings there, a blur seem to suddenly explode from the top floor of a tall apartment, followed by seemingly two figures falling off from it.

...It was obvious knowledge to any man that woman are frivolous and temperamental creatures whose moods shift as easily as the whimsical weather. And despite the stoic and aloof mask that she puts on, the small King of Knights was no exception.

He was in a good mood. Really. Even if chaining her with Enkidu may have been overboard - then again, Gilgamesh was never one to cut short on presentations - even when he was just screwing with his beloved's mind, as per usual. Can anyone fault him, when that was probably the best past time that he has yet to find in Somarium?

It would just appear that the usually calm Saber has spent too much time near the arrogant Archer of the 4th Heaven's Feel. His behaviorism is obviously starting to rub off on her. How else could anyone explain her reaction, after all? He certainly did NOT foresee this outcome, at any rate.

Seriously. WHO WOULD BE STUPID ENOUGH TO BULLRUSH SOMEONE IN A SMALL ROOM ON THE 20TH FLOOR. Yes they're Servants, but yes also to the fact that this place has placed limitations upon their abilities. Limitations that did not matter very much - until now.

At least he had good reflexes. He called back Enkidu and snapped away his sword the moment the glass panels shattered, and shot the chain back up to break another panel so that the steel frame in-between them could be used as anchor. The other hand...

The other hand was busy taking hold of Saber's.

It was then followed by a booming voice that was loud enough to be heard from anyone passing by the adjacent blocks. Yes, he could just get them both to the floor level. But no, he had to stop and bitch at her. And no they're not sure as they are if they can make a jump that far - unless Saber really WAS that stupid.]


gilgamesh, saber, archer

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