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deadcenter_crow October 16 2009, 03:09:11 UTC
[He's dressed as he always is. Jeans, combat boots, jacket. No shirt. There's a chill in the air but it's not so bad. Pretty easy to ignore really. Hands in his pockets, he makes his way to the lake.

Senji is definitely curious about this whole thing. Hummingbird is one of the last and possibly the last person he'd expect to come to him. Ever. Even if she were on something. There's got to be some real shit going on to explain this because this doesn't seem like a joke.

That was his first thought.

Arriving at the lake (on time, thank you), he halts. She's...covered up? What the fuck is going on here? He comes the rest of the way over and stares down at her.]

What the hell is this all about, Hummingbird?


whipwing October 16 2009, 03:11:59 UTC
[She takes one look at the expression on his face and cracks a smile.] Yeah, yeah, I'm not here to pin you down and flash you or anything. Surprised? I was actually being honest with you.


deadcenter_crow October 16 2009, 03:19:12 UTC
Well fuck me a new one. [He frowns and decides that for a change, she's decent enough. Not perfect but he can live with it. Whatever.] You gonna answer me?


whipwing October 16 2009, 03:44:34 UTC
...Why I'm turning to you, right? Believe me, it's not because I like you. [a scowl, and the grin fades; her expression flickers darker]


deadcenter_crow October 16 2009, 03:50:52 UTC
No shit. So spill. Why me and why do you want to be stronger? [hands out of the pockets and he crosses his arms]


whipwing October 16 2009, 04:52:58 UTC
...Because as a Deadman, you're the strongest one here, as much as I don't wanna fucking admit it.

And why do I want to be stronger? Like I said, it's none of your business.


deadcenter_crow October 16 2009, 04:54:40 UTC
[Strongest one here. He likes that coming from here. But...]

Good to know. See ya. [turns and waves over his shoulder]


whipwing October 16 2009, 04:57:39 UTC
[She grits her teeth in disgust- at both him and her- as she darts forward and grabs him by the shoulder. She's aware that maybe touching him will freak him out, but it's nothing she can't handle.] Don't fucking walk away from me, you muscle-headed asshole!


deadcenter_crow October 16 2009, 05:00:30 UTC
[He looks over his shoulder and down at her. For a rare change, he's not freaking out...that looks a lot more like anger.] You better have a fucking good reason for stopping me. Because so far, I haven't heard it.


whipwing October 16 2009, 05:06:38 UTC
[This is so fucking hard for her to do, and her whole body is fighting it. 99% of her wants to let him walk away. But then there's that little nudge in the back of her head, and she knows that she has to do this.

She swallows. Her throat is dry. She spits out the words, not looking into his eyes- looking past him, her eyes smouldering with suppressed fury.]


I refuse to make another mistake. I refuse-- I refuse to die again.


deadcenter_crow October 16 2009, 05:14:15 UTC
[...That's news to him. Studying her, he toys around with whether or not they're true. Her? Dead? What the fuck is up with this place? She's alive in his time.

Still, not a bad reason.]

You train under me you do what I say when I say it. And I'm not going to go easy on you. If you can't even manage to deal with that, this shit ain't happening.


whipwing October 16 2009, 05:16:43 UTC
[If he asks, she might tell him. Maybe. But it was bad enough that she'd had to tell him at all. She can't think of anything more shameful.

She nods, flicking her eyes back to him, her lips pressed together tightly.] I can take anything you throw at me. Anything. So be as hard as you fucking have to.


deadcenter_crow October 16 2009, 05:20:27 UTC
Good. First thing first. What's this shit about you being dead? What the hell happened? Tell me.

[It's partially curiosity, partially to see if she really is going to do exactly what he tells her to do. He's an ass. He gets that. Old news and time to move on.]


whipwing October 16 2009, 05:23:18 UTC
[She's silent for a few moments. Has it really been almost two months since it happened? It doesn't feel that way. Her world has passed her by in a quiet, uneasy blur since then, and she feels like a spectator to her own life. Like a ghost just going through the motions.

She hasn't been herself, and she knows that.]

It was before you were here. Someone pushed me off the edge. So I set him up to off the fucker...


deadcenter_crow October 16 2009, 05:26:58 UTC
Yeah and?

[He turns and waits. He wants the whole story. Then he'll get another answer. That wussy brother of hers...does he have anything to do with all of this? They're siblings and even if she is a little bitch most of the time she's still a girl.]


whipwing October 16 2009, 05:30:07 UTC
[she cuts off there.] ...Y-you asshole. [having to say all of this to him is like standing there smiling as she allows someone to slowly pull out her intestines, or some other extremely unpleasant thing like that. it's a completely painful and infuriating process she'd do anything to get out of.]


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