Gale | 06

Oct 04, 2009 23:28

Who: Gale and Naomi
Where: Naomi's lair lab ( Read more... )

gale, !location: naomi's lab, naomi hunter

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scientize October 5 2009, 07:50:30 UTC
Naomi was there to open the door after only a second after the knocks. Leaning heavily against the frame of her doorway, she gave Gale a quick look up and down. Yes, this was most definitely one of those cannibals who had eaten Vamp. Still, after speaking to the man after his dream, she had been anticipating this meeting, quite eager to just dive right in and explore the inner workings of his body. To see just what in his genetic material would cause this man to turn into the demon she saw before.

However, the doctor had to remain professional for now.

Holding out a small hand, she greeted Gale with a kind smile. "Hello, Gale. It's a pleasure to meet you in person."


honor_tactics October 5 2009, 08:06:53 UTC
He regarded her hand briefly before reaching out, shaking it slightly. "Likewise. Shall we begin...?"


scientize October 5 2009, 08:15:01 UTC
"That sounds like an excellent idea." Naomi was glad that they were already on the same page.

Turning away from him, she strode quickly into her laboratory, beckoning the man to follow.


honor_tactics October 5 2009, 20:14:25 UTC
Gale followed, looking around at the interior of the building. "How long have you been trapped in this place?"


scientize October 5 2009, 20:19:55 UTC
The doctor led him towards a table within the main room of the lab, motioning for him to take a seat.

"I will have been within Somarium for a year next month."


honor_tactics October 5 2009, 20:59:43 UTC
He did so, relaxing his body, although his mind remained sharp and alert. "And as you stated before, you have no comrades to return to...?"

Gale thought on that for a moment. To have no Tribe, no family... This woman was a true survivor. Not many could face the hardships of the world alone. But every human had their secrets. He wouldn't pry into Naomi's, but it was something to keep in mind.


scientize October 5 2009, 22:59:26 UTC
Naomi turned to prepare for her examination of the man, grabbing a clean syringe before stepping back over to Gale's side. She held up the needle to show him it before wiping his arm clean.

"Yes, that's right. I'm glad to be here. I believe that the last time we spoke you mentioned wanting to return to your home world. Is that still so?"


honor_tactics October 5 2009, 23:14:27 UTC
This he was familiar with. He rotated his arm slightly to allow for an easier task.

"Yes. It is a hard world...but it is ours. To abandon it would only place a heavier burden on our karma."


scientize October 6 2009, 07:06:44 UTC
Feeling she wasn't going to get any reaction from the man with a little poke from a needle, Naomi proceeded to draw a small amount of blood while she spoke. The doctor had to admit to herself that she had no idea any of the cannibals were so concerned with karma.

"...I suppose that would be the better thing to do. To return home and deal with the situations and people you left behind."


honor_tactics October 6 2009, 07:30:50 UTC
He had suffered far worse wounds than a phlebotomy delivered. "This place is a distraction. Nothing more, nothing less. But I believe we have learned far more here than we would have in our own world. So it isn't entirely without its merits."

We wouldn't even have the time...


scientize October 6 2009, 07:40:10 UTC
Withdrawing the needle from his arm, Naomi quickly wiped the area clean a second time before turning away.

"What will your tribe do upon returning to your world?"


honor_tactics October 6 2009, 07:53:37 UTC
"We will finish our mission."

He left it at that. She needn't know the details of what they had to do.

Although Naomi probably got a decent close-up look at Gale enough to know there was something very strange about him. He had no visible body hair on his arms.


scientize October 7 2009, 04:35:43 UTC
Though obviously curious about what exactly that mission was, Naomi's mind was already too consumed in continuing the examination so she could get to looking further into his DNA.

What would she find?

A retrovirus? A mutation? The possibilities were endless.

The doctor picked up her clipboard and pen, eager to get this over with.

"I need to ask you a few questions before I begin taking measurements. Alright?"


honor_tactics October 7 2009, 18:53:08 UTC
Gale nodded once. "Go ahead."


scientize October 7 2009, 19:12:15 UTC
"Full name, date of birth, any known allergies..?"


honor_tactics October 8 2009, 06:56:45 UTC
Gale drew in a deep breath. This would be interesting to explain...

"My name is Gale. my full name. I do not know what my birth date is. I wasn't even "born", in the true sense of the term. I have existed for five years now."

He paused. "As for allergies, I am unsure what they are."


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