*Dist* 006

Sep 08, 2009 22:07

Who: Dist the Rose's Kaiser Dist SM
Where: Somni, Industrial District on the way to Dist's location at Rivera Apartments.
Style: Third
Status: Open!

Clunk, whirl. Clunk, whirl.

Marching through the city, each step emphasized by the gush of hydraulics and the sound of pavement crunching underfoot, was the large mechanical war machine known as Kaiser Dist SM. As the lumbering mechanical dragon walked slowly through the streets without much concern, it was obvious that Dist had finally chosen a color scheme for his 'greatest creation' to impress Washu.

...Bright pink and purple, with black trim.

Unconcerned, the fabulously gorgeous mechanical monster continued onward to its destination - Dist's location at Rivera Apartments. It was answering the remote order from its creator, with a single-minded determination. It ignored the sand that pelted it, and even the occasional monster that lunged at it and bounced off its metal body with a somewhat humorous 'thunk'. Naturally, they were of the weaker variety and thus not much of a problem for the war machine. With the ones particularly persistent, the Kaiser Dist SM would stop only for a moment before dispatching it and continuing onward.

Case in point, a medium-sized dog creature lunged itself at the Kaiser Dist SM's tail and bit on to the metal. Even as the machine swung its tail about, it refused to let go. The teeth scratched at the metal, the beast furiously holding on. This caused the Kaiser Dist SM to stop, then slam its tail downwards. The forceful jerk caused the monster to hit the ground and lose its grip. It wasn't able to recover before the machine stabbed its tail drill-tip in to the monster's body, and a loud 'whirrrrr' followed by a spray of gore and blood marked its end.

The war machine then marked onward, slowly as if on a pleasant stroll.

[[OOC: I hope that this is okay. XD;;]]

!location: somni, !event: sandstorm, dist the rose

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