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so gd open daddysfavorite September 3 2009, 18:24:09 UTC
[curiosity may have killed the catowl, but foolish superstition wasn't about to stop azula from venturing out during the brief lull in the storm. she never had been the type of person to sit and do nothing; it had been hard enough to hunker inside, even though she had known that stepping a foot out of the door could have serious consequences.

but things seemed to have died down, and so out azula comes, walking around and surveying the damage. it wasn't that she was concerned about anyone--she was safe, after all, and she was the only one who mattered--but she merely wished to take inventory of her surroundings. nothing more, nothing less.]

It is far too quiet.... [she looks up at the sky, scrutinizing it. she knew that a lull in the storm such as this one usually meant that something worse was on its way... which left her little to no time to explore.] ...But no matter. As long as the wind holds out for a bit longer.....


sinnerofdreams September 3 2009, 20:34:33 UTC
[A door appears out of the sand and Road steps through it looking not happy at all. When the storm had come she had managed to lock herself away in the cellar underneath one of the other houses nearby her own

Needless to say, a bored Road is never a good one but even a little time to stretch her legs is nice. Her nose wrinkles at the odd silence and notices that something else is coming. Great. But that's when she notices that lady there -- that really snarky one]

So even dragons can be driven into hiding too?


daddysfavorite September 3 2009, 22:10:57 UTC
["dragons?" instantly reminded of her silly uncle--the dragon of the west--she turns around to face the figure she was previously just going to walk by. she recognizes the girl, of course, from their incredibly short conversation via the dreamberry upon her arrival; she never got her name, of course, but she remembers her as one of the silly peasants who had no idea what firebending was. how silly.]

It wasn't hiding. I was merely biding my time. [lifts her chin a bit] Even the most powerful must suffer through silly little sand storms.


sinnerofdreams September 3 2009, 23:13:40 UTC
Ooo, sorry, guess I forgot about that. [The sarcasm is subtle but if you listen close enough you can hear it]

It looks like it's not over yet though.


daddysfavorite September 3 2009, 23:36:28 UTC
[please, ho: azula is the sarcasm queen. she'll counter your sarcasm with a bit of her own, though.]

Really? What a stunning observation. I honestly had no clue that this was only a brief lull.


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