Treize - Log #007

Sep 01, 2009 19:50


(ooc: If you tagged Treize's post about being in need of evacuation, this is your evacuation: It is a 15-foot-tall humanoid mecha, which people from Gundam and Code Geass may recognize as having both characteristics of Mobile Suits and Knightmare Frames. And you may well hear it coming.)

Who: Treize Khushrenada, Militia??, Anyone!
Where: Anywhere in Somarium, pretty much.
Style: First
Status: Open!

[Though the sand whipped at the exterior of the small, nimble Lawbringer, the armored machine held up well. It was very remarkably constructed, he found himself thinking, as he tracked down the next evacuee on his list. The cockpit would only hold one or two more grown individuals beside him - and it would be a very tight fit - but he had faith it would prove enough.

This was now the time for this world to see his creation]

tieria erde, kazuki hihara, frederic francois chopin, !location: somni, !location: espoir, treize khushrenada, polka, !event: sandstorm

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