Danny 14 -- Safe Point

Sep 01, 2009 17:11

Who: Church inhabitants, and anyone looking for shelter.
Where: Peorth's Church
Style: Either! Feel free to threadhop, too.


The basement is large and empty, with a corner separated from the rest of the room by a screen. Old furniture and boxes full of something  litter the room, providing plenty of places to sit down and rest for a while. A handfull of dim lamps are the only lighting for the area, and the storm's roar seems strangely muted by the protective stone building above.

Danny takes the stairs down-two-at-a-time, letting the wind close the door to the upper area.  "Kohane?" he calls anxiously. "Are you down here?"

yuan kafei, kohane tsuyuri, garnet til alexandros xvii, zidane tribal, !location: peorth's church, axel, !location: espoir, !event: sandstorm, roxas, derek stiles, danny fenton

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