{T e a r} 02

Aug 28, 2009 18:07

Who: Tear Grants, Guy Cecil, (later) Peony Upala Malkuth IX
Where: Guy's Dojo
Style: Either.
Status: Open I suppose?XD

Insert intelligent caption here )

peony upala malkuth ix, tear grants, guy cecil

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flower_of_glory August 29 2009, 01:22:47 UTC
Guy, after having realized that Luke was also gone, hadn't wanted to be around anyone. He felt guilty, like it was his fault, yet again, that Luke had disappeared. He'd been more upset when Saber disappeared than when Luke had, and now it seemed as if Luke had gotten back at him by disappearing again. In the rational part of his mind, Guy knew that this wasn't the case, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt.

Nevertheless, Guy wanted to remain close to what remained in Somarium of his best friend, and that was the boy's belongings in their loft apartment. So he'd laid down on Luke's futon, taking in the scents Luke had left behind, and had fallen asleep.

And he hadn't woken up.

To anyone who had seen Guy's normal sprawl, they would know that something wasn't right, because Guy was curled up in a ball, clutching Luke's pillow. His dreamberry lay on his own futon, and the roomba puttered around randomly, cleaning the floor.


yuliafonichymns August 29 2009, 20:17:26 UTC
Tear walked into the Dojo, realizing how big it was. It would take a while to find him, but she did not see the young man downstairs. She looked around there first, the rooms that were on the first floor and she even peeked at some corners, but she found no one ( ... )


flower_of_glory August 29 2009, 22:27:40 UTC
Guy didn't respond. For years, he'd been a light sleeper, having had to wake at the slightest sound, and sleep while listening for a soft knock on his bedroom door, of a small red-head needing comfort after a nightmare.

More recently, he'd had to sleep light, because if the person on watch called out, he'd have to be ready to fight at a moment's notice, while they were traveling, and under threat of attack at any time.

But, regardless of Tear's touch and words, Guy did not even stir.


yuliafonichymns August 29 2009, 23:25:51 UTC
The maiden shook him a bit harder, but it didn't seem like he was going to wake up soon. Tear was definitely worried now. The thought of Guy not waking up was already bad enough. If he was in the same situation as the Colonel as Dist seemed to be completely uneasy about, she assumed the same for Guy. She knew he was easily awaken. After all, those nights they spent outside, and the ears they kept opened for any sign of danger.

Right now, even the thought of Guy being a light sleeper was not right. Something was definitely wrong. Was he injured? She could only assume the worst. There had been no explanation for any of this She did call his name a few more times, but silence ensued and no one answered back. He was truly in some condition she wasn't pleased about. The thought of leaving now, seemed impossible. He could be prone to danger. She didn't trust this world, at least not a lot.

"I can't leave him here," she whispered under her breath.


flower_of_glory September 1 2009, 04:19:37 UTC
[ooc- sorry I didn't reply earlier, I don't think I can tl;dr anymore descriptions of Guy sleeping... I was trying to catch you on AIM, but I haven't seen you on... were you gonna have Tear call Peony or anyone? obviously, this is happening before the event]


redeyed_devilx September 1 2009, 04:48:46 UTC
Ooc:: sorry been preparing for school and going to school. That's fine. I think Tear will definitely call Peony in the next post, or right now, if you want. Though, I'll have a reply later this week. and yeah I know ^^; sorry I haven't been on, busy busy]


genki_trumpet September 1 2009, 05:17:15 UTC
ooc- I figure it would probably be best to leave a voicemail for Peony, and have him come in (Kat's on right now, you want to assume she called him, and I'll have Kat reply next?)


yuliafonichymns September 1 2009, 06:46:27 UTC
OOC: Good point I'll do that right before I sleep^^


rappigs4prez September 1 2009, 06:51:50 UTC
After having received the voicemail from Tear, Peony had made his way from the large house he had managed to acquire in Espoir, to Guy's dojo. From when he last spoke with him, Guy hadn't seemed too well. Luke's disappearance must have just added to the stress of losing the lady that Guy must have been interested in. He didn't blame the man for becoming overwhelmed -- but he hadn't been expecting this. Was he really just sleeping? Could a person do that and sleep through poking and prodding?

He arrived shortly after, only panting a bit, tossing a worried glance inside the dojo before actually heading inside. "Tear?" he called, hoping he hadn't taken too long.


yuliafonichymns September 1 2009, 15:56:10 UTC
The brown haired maiden remained at the blond's side as she waited for the Emperor to come. It was strange to ask for his assistance, but she had not other choice. She shouldn't be asking Emperor Peony to do this, but she hardly trusted Dist, Anise was small, and the Colonel was in a coma like state as Guy was. She looked over at the sleeping person once more, with worried eyes, before she heard a familiar voice.

She turned and stood up. The maiden then made her way slowly to the door and peeked from the top of the stairs. The voice sounded like it came downstairs and it sounded like Emperor Peony. What a relief. The maiden called down to him after his call for her, "We're up here, your Majesty," she mused loud enough for him to hear her anyway. Tear wasn't in any mood to raise her voice anymore than that.


rappigs4prez September 1 2009, 21:19:50 UTC
Peony heard the 'oh so fair maiden's' voice from upstairs and hurried to the stairs that lead upstairs. He tried to do so quickly, but not so much that he would trip. After ascending the stairs, he took a turn to where he had heard Tear's voice.

"Is he still breathing?" Peony questioned upon his approach, breath a bit heavy from having raced so quickly to the dojo. His gaze swept over the unconscious form of the man before returning to Tear, stopping only a foot from the brunette.


yuliafonichymns September 1 2009, 22:45:15 UTC
Tear could see the Emperor coming towards her from downstairs. He was moving quicker than he should of on the stairs, she was worried he might get hurt in the process. Though, the man made it safely. She was relieved. She replied to his question just as he asked it.

"He's breathing, just in a coma like state, I suppose. He won't wake up no matter how many times I call him. I've tried shaking. Nothing," the maiden replied to the Emperor. Her eyes were fixed on Guy's sleeping form. AT least he was still breathing. Anything else were to happen, she might not have been okay. There was already pain she was dealing with. More would just be too much. Even if she did have a strong form in the face of danger.

"Again, thank you for assisting me," she replied giving him an almost half smile.


rappigs4prez September 1 2009, 22:52:38 UTC
Peony gave an absent nod and stepped over to Gailardia's unconscious form. He seemed in a slumber, almost peaceful, too. It didn't take too much to realize that he wasn't snapping out of this too easily. With a sigh, the Emperor extended his hand and felt the man's forehead, noting that he wasn't running a fever, so it wasn't sickness that had plagued him. At least that was a relief.

"Was Jade like this?" Peony wondered, glancing over his shoulder at Tear. His eyes settled back on Gailardia, as if expecting the answer to pop up out of nowhere. If more and more people were falling into a sleep-like state like this...how long would it take the others to? First Jade, then Luke's disappearance, and now this. He hadn't been particularly close to Luke, not like he had with Jade, so he doubted the impact to him was even measurable to the pain Tear felt. In this moment, he subconsciously admired her.


yuliafonichymns September 1 2009, 23:20:07 UTC
"He's not sick," she replied to him as he touched Guy's forehead. She had checked that a while ago. It seemed that Guy really was in the state like the Colonel, "The Colonel, he was sleeping just like this, peacefully, silently. Dist seemed to have made a big deal out of it, but now I'm not so sure it's just an overreaction after all," she mused softly. She remembered what Dist told he he was doing to Jade when he was unconscious, things that she was certain the Colonel would not let go so easily.

Tear was worried that Guy might not wake up at all, that was the only thing that bothered her. Though back to reality. They had to take him to a safer place. It's not like it would cause anymore problems if she took Guy back to her apartment. She'd make room. At least then she'd keep an eye on the both of them, seeing she had little trust in Dist. He wasn't reliable to her, at least because he was a God-General living with her now.

"Emperor Peony," Tear slowly started, "we should move him now," she mused. She was certain he would ( ... )


rappigs4prez September 1 2009, 23:27:40 UTC
Peony nodded, keeping things simple enough so that Tear wouldn't have to overexert herself. The mental strain must have been building and building, and although Peony admired her for being such a strong and attractive women, knew deep down she had her limits. The events with Van had been one thing, that dream another, but this could be the breaking point.

Carefully, the Emperor situated his arms under Guy's slumbering form. He lifted the inert body up into his arms, letting it slack somewhat comfortably against his chest. He looked to Tear shortly after. "Hold his legs." He knew he could probably handle it all himself, but he didn't want to take chances in this situation. "We'll bring him to your place until someone can tell us what is happening," he murmured.


yuliafonichymns September 1 2009, 23:50:55 UTC
She was relieved for his agreement and followed his instructions. She carefully wrapped her arms around the legs of the sleeping young man and lifted them up. It seemed a bit odd to her, but she had no time to complain about it. The fonist nodded her head to his words as well. It seemed perfect. She could watch them, and hopefully she would see them open their eyes again.

AT least she hoped, anyway. She was waiting for his instructions to move out, since if anything was done wrong, she was certain they'd drop Guy. She didn't want that, even if she could heal his injuries.


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