Who: Yuan and anyone else who's curious enough to stop by!
Where: Espoir
Style: Either.
Status: Open!!
[ If you happen to be in Espoir this fine afternoon, you may notice a certain blue-haired half-elf on the corner of some random street, sitting, engulfed in a book. His right hand is holding the book carefully while his left is extended, producing a
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... Stops abruptly and backtracks to where the blue-haired half-elf is currently seated.]
... How're you doing that?
[ and a pause ] Why?
Mana? Can you describe some properties of this mana?
It's the essence of life, what is there to tell? [ Because don't they have mana everywhere? Apparently not. ]
Essence of life? So your life's fueled by the stuff, huh. I was hoping for more along the lines of a description, though. Does it flow? Does it have magnetic properties?
Something along those lines.
... [ What an inquisitive little girl; he'll never get used to this annoying 'other worlds' business. ] I take it mana isn't in existence in the world you are from.
Yes, it does flow. From the Great Kharlan Tree, to put it simply. As for magnetic properties, I'm not aware of any.
A tree of life? Is that biologically possible? [For something to... synthesize mana like that. But, then, if it's a natural process-] Is it in a gaseous state? That's what I'd like to believe, at any rate. Mana's only been theorized in my world.
Is a large dosage of mana harmful to the body?
...Of course it's biologically possible. It exists. [ What an odd question! Nonetheless, he shakes his head and closes the 'spell-book' for the time-being ] Mana is what gives my world life. Without it, the world would fall into despair, wither, and eventually cease to exist. There is no 'over-dose'.
However, if too much mana is wasted by machinery too quickly, there may be negative side-effects.
... You can never have 'too much life', huh. [Seems that there in lies the difference between Mana and Aer.] A fuel for the world... And what about those negative side effects?
And what happens if your tree dies? Your world dies?
The tree is usually replenished. However, if too much mana is wasted, the ground isn't fertile enough to give way to regeneration. [ Going to leave out the part about there once being two worlds and the whole Chosen regenerating that world. ]
But, if the tree were to die completely, yes, the world would slowly follow.
Like a negative cycle... huh.
I can see both positive and negative aspects of this. Still, though, it's probably really convenient to have a source of 'life' situated in one guaranteed spot, given that trees don't sprout legs and walk off where you're from.
But it's also problematic if so much 'life' is gathered in a single place. Tree dies, you're all screwed over.
Hm. Intriguing. [Aaaand she's off in thought.]
...It's essential knowledge to know.
[ Going to eye her for a moment or two before continuing ] I take it you don't know about exspheres either?
Never heard of them, so I'm guessing they're only native to your world. Does it have anything to do with mana?
...Not exactly, though a great deal of mana is used in the making of them.
[ He frowns, debating whether or not this topic should even be broached with a girl this age ] The particulars are gruesome, I must admit. Perhaps it's better left unsaid.
So they're artificial. Is it some kind of technology?
[She looks vaguely annoyed.] Hey, you brought it up. Go through with it. Besides... I've probably seen worse.
...Yes and no. [ Deep breath, here goes nothing ]
Exspheres are artificial ores attached directly to human flesh. Without a crest with the proper inscription on it, the wearer will slowly be drained of life. The exsphere absorbs that life and becomes not only powerful, but extremely useful. When this technology, if you even want to call it that, became easier to accomplish, an organization began indiscreetly putting those less unfortunate to work on 'Ranches', where they would secretly steal the mana from their victims, for their exspheres. ...The result of a person who was turned would be a monster.
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