Minatsuki Takami, Naomi Hunter
Naomi's lab
[It takes Minatsuki a while to make it to Naomi's lab in Espoir, and the reason for that is the reason that she's going- her injuries from her fight with Heat several days ago make it hard for her to walk and move in general. She hadn't wanted to see a doctor about it at all, but there was more damage done to her body than her attempts at keeping the wounds clean and bandaged could repair.
She knocks on the door, feeling annoyed that it has to be Naomi Hunter of all people that she has to turn to. A slut of a doctor that her brother is, for some unfathomable reason, friends with. Which puts her on the automatic 'dislike' list. Minatsuki walks inside, a bored look on her face.]
You in here, doctor?