Zack Fair - Adventures, Adventures...

Aug 02, 2009 13:09

Who: Zack Fair and anyone~! ♥
Where: The spot where the fountain used to be.
Style: Either is fine!
Status: Open~!


Zack wasn't in a very good state of mind. The way Aerith had broken down after the Dreamberry had caught his nightmare was not leaving him feeling safe about himself. Perhaps it wasn't a nightmare, but something true that had happened: the evidence was all there. Why else would Aerith get so sad whenever she saw him? Why would Cloud not believe that Zack was there, insisting, insisting that he was dead?
  Also, why was the fountain where he'd found Aerith not fixed yet?
With his arms crossed over his chest, he walked circles around the barren-looking spot, occasionally getting too close by accident and feeling his elbow hit the barrier.
  He didn't feel like caring about anything anymore.
And so we have a Zack Fair, SOLDIER 1st Class, walking in circles with a glum look on his usually-optimistic face.
 Feel free to poke him.

zack fair

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