Who: Jinana and Argilla
Where: Outside of the Embryon's base.
Style: either?
Status: Closed.
Jinana stood outside, arms folded and face tilted up to the sky like she'd often done back in The Junkyard. Only instead of allowing the endless rain of the Junkyards dead wash over her, green eyes were open and watching the beautiful sky. The former tribe leader has come to find the sky to be very soothing, like a painting that always moved and shifted with it's clouds and stars.
Despite it's beauty, her heart hung like a heavy weight in her chest and she knew that it was something that might never ease. Heavier now, then she had even felt in the Junkyard. Guilt has this way of eating at a person. She knows what she wants for Bat, but it seems so far reaching and the attempt could just make things worse.