Who: Asch and Suzumiya Haruhi
Where: Asch's apartment
Style: 3rd
Status: Closed.
Asch was far, far too terribly amused, which was surprising considering everything that had been going on in his life lately. However, he was kind of... glad he had been inadvertently introduced to Haruhi. While he would have much rather had his little brother replica stop moping around and relax a little, Haruhi was a lot like a hyperactive little sister. Admittedly, his mother would probably faint at her gross lack of manners, but still.
He glanced at the clock on his Dreamberry; any minute she would be storming through the door, just because he had made fun of her and her passionate dream kiss with Guy. Oh, Guy would probably hear from him about it later too, if the blonde could stand talking to him, that was. He frowned privately at that, still rather annoyed by the end results of their last conversation.
After a moment Asch sighed, before standing up. Well, he supposed he should at least make hot chocolate for the girl.