Vivi ♬ oo1

Jun 25, 2009 06:53

Who: Vivi, everyone
Where: Somni
Style: Either
Status: Open

Vivi pulled his hat more snugly over his eyes. The afternoon sun had just reached its peak in the sky when Vivi finally made his way to the entrance of Somni. He paused to stare at the entrance a little longer, hoping that a familiar face would soon show, but none did. So with a big gulp of breath, he quickly waddled over to the entrance and peered into the streets of Somni.

He made sure to keep a good grip on his staff. He hadn't seen any monsters in the fields yet (save for a few unruly scarecrows), and though monsters residing in villages was rare in Gaia, he still was a little wary. Maybe it wasn't the monsters with teeth and claws he was so worried about, but the imposing soldiers with guns and loud voices ('Black Mage!') he was truly afraid of. But when no fearful cry came, he cheerfully trotted into the streets, now full taken with the novelty of his surroundings. The buildings were so tall, and the noises so foreign to him, that every new occurrence warranted his childlike attention.

But that was nothing compared to his amazement in seeing a giant castle floating above them in the sky. At first, he thought it was a giant airship, something that Cid must have concocted to outdo himself again. Then Vivi noticed it was not moving and he looked up at it again, this time to make out the elegant spires and walls of a castle.

"Gee-whiz!" Wow, wouldn't Zidane love to see-? Vivi gave a fearful shake of his head, holding onto his hat as he did so. He had not found any of his friends yet. Still, he thought with new found hope, the city was definitely big enough to hide away a lot of people. Vivi started walking again, with a faster bounce in his step. Nothing would stop him from searching every nook and cranny he could for them!

Except for a moderately sized rock. Said rock cause the little mage to trip and be sent sprawling to the ground with a quiet "oompf!"

lelouch vi britannia, beatrix, zidane tribal, rise kujikawa, !location: somni, anew returner, oz vessalius, vivi orunitia

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