Jun 15, 2009 09:04
Who ☆ Rise Kujikawa, Atoli, Kaname Kuran
Where ☆ Somni
Style ☆ Either
Status ☆ Open-ish if you want to join our little tour
Rise clicked a few buttons on her Dreamberry, following the directions the GPS had given her to get to the Capital Building. She had agreed to meet Atoli and Kaname there seeing as it was the biggest building in the Somni area. There's no way either of them could miss it!
She had gone from Espior to Somni when she first headed to Yukiko's apartment but had been too preoccupied in finding the building that she had not paid much attention to the rest of her surroundings. Neither had she tried exploring on her on. Nevertheless, she was curious to learn more about this strange world and to be able to at least have an idea of what is readily available in what mostly looked like deserted ruins.
"Oooh! Maybe I could also find out where to get ingredients for the cake," she said, recalling her promise to Shiro.
It was a relief to hear that there someone was willing to show her around, giving her some small sense of security. Despite the aura the world emanated, it didn't reflect on those living here. At least so far...
Rise looked up from the Dreamberry to see the designated meeting place coming into view and bound towards it with a skip in her step.
!location: somni,
kaname kuran,
rise kujikawa