Itachi ЖЖ 004

Apr 21, 2009 21:11

Who: Uchiha Itachi, and anyone else who decides to wander by.
Where: Somni, outside of Café de Rêves (Tamaki's Café)
Style: Either
Status: OPEN!! (SO BOTHER HIM AS YOU DESIRE :Db ( Read more... )

frederic francois chopin, naomi hunter, !location: somni, hoshigaki kisame, itachi uchiha, !location: cafe des reves, bakura, heat, tamaki suoh

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this isn't an INN!! seeker_of_seven April 22 2009, 03:32:37 UTC
Bakura wanders along the street. seeing the cafe he stops and lets out a rather impressive string of curse words. "WHERE THE HELL IS THAT DAMN INN?!?" he hollars, pissed.


Re: this isn't an INN!! seeing_only_red April 22 2009, 03:51:22 UTC
The white-haired interloper shatters the silence of the night and breaks throggh Itachi's thoughts as he stands in front of the café. His aggressive and irritated approach was one that put Itachi on edge, as he was not sure what the newcomer's intentions were. After hearing his shout of frustration, Itachi is only more confused. The café is obviously not an inn and he has not seen one around this area during his searching. So the man is very mistaken, or just lost.


Re: this isn't an INN!! seeker_of_seven April 22 2009, 03:57:32 UTC
Bakura looks around, extremely annoyed. His feet were killing him, he'd been on them all day, and he was looking forward to a hot meal and a soft bed. It had yet to occur to him that he had no money. As he glances around him he spots Itachi.

snarling to himself, knowing he was going to have to be civil to get anywhere he stalks over to Itachi. Trying his best to smile and act nonthreatening, and failing, he asks through gritted teeth, "do you know where an Inn, or anywhere I can eat and sleep, is?" the whole effect is rather frightening, especially his grimice, which was supposed to be a friendly smile.


Re: this isn't an INN!! seeing_only_red April 22 2009, 04:04:42 UTC
Itachi is almost amused by the man's attempts to real in his natural killer intent, as but he does not lose his alertness, because it could be a feint to lower his guard.

"No, as far as I have seen, there isn't one in this area."


Re: this isn't an INN!! seeker_of_seven April 22 2009, 04:21:12 UTC
Bakura falls to the ground in dispair, slightly hidden dispair mind you, but dispair non-the-less. "God I can't walk anymore. I hoped I'd never have to sleep without a bed again. after the last time." a look of disgust, pain, and slight humor slides across his features only to vanish as quickly as it had appeared.

"great, just great." His stomach took that moment to voice it's own opinons about the whole ordeal. "shut up." He mutters annoyed as he rubbs his bare chest.


Re: this isn't an INN!! seeing_only_red April 22 2009, 04:41:39 UTC
Itachi stares at the dejected man, not sure what he is supposed to do about this situation. The man seems somewhat pitiful sitting there, looking angry and frustrated, and with his stomach growling, which he found intriguing given his own lack of need for sustenance.

It reminds him of Sasuke after he had failed to master an intricate move in one day when he was a child, and the desperate look the white-haired man is trying so hard to hide behind his anger is even more obvious when he connects it that way.

"There is an pizza shop down that road and to the left if you keep going a distance. It seems that it always has some ready."


Re: this isn't an INN!! seeker_of_seven April 22 2009, 04:48:15 UTC
[OOC: didn't realize we didn't get hungery in this world! whoops oh well.]

Bakura looks up at him, his face blank but gratitude blazing in his purple eyes. "thanks." he says. He tries to get up but his legs protest and he falls back down to the ground with a solid 'thump'. He winces as he rubs his behind and then his legs. "While I'm just sitting here, do you think you could give clearer directions? I...seem to have lost my excellent sense of direction in this world." His eyes cloud over with anger and frustration as he mutters, "since I couldn't even find that damned inn."


Re: this isn't an INN!! seeing_only_red April 22 2009, 05:02:57 UTC
{OOC: It's okay, since Bakura's basically a demon (kind of/sort of) the rules aren't exactly the same. And I'll make up something about the Pizza Place, as there are no exact location for it yet that I've found described.}

Itachi does not respond to the words of thanks, as he sees it as unnecessary, and points off down the road.

"If you follow this road down five blocks and turn left, and then head straightward, that road should lead you to the apartment complexes. The pizza place is on the left side of the road next to a grocery store."


Re: this isn't an INN!! seeker_of_seven April 22 2009, 05:07:39 UTC
Bakura blinks at all the foreign words that fly past him as Itachi gives him directions. "ummm, thanks?" he says more as a question. panic rises into his eyes, how would he know if he was going the right way if he didn't know what he was supposed to be looking for? he didn't realize it, but he asked his question out loud.

[OOc: lol i'm not playing demon baku though. i'm playing theif king baku, who gets used by demon baku. confusing, i know]


Re: this isn't an INN!! seeing_only_red April 22 2009, 05:20:50 UTC
Itachi blinks at the man's question, only to then realize that someone of average intelligence would no doubt need more clear directions, especially if he is less familiar with the area than even Itach himself is. At the same time, it is more than a little...disconcerting to have to repeat himself.

"Turn left at the tall building with the grey and white curtains in the windows. Walk straight ahead on that road for about ten minutes and you will near the apartment complexes. The shop is next to the grocery store on the left side of the road. It is called...Pizza Paradise."

If the man still does not understand that Itachi will leave him to his fate and be done with it.


say what? seeker_of_seven April 22 2009, 05:24:30 UTC
Bakra stares blankly for a minute then finally asks, "whats...apar...apartment? and what's grocery?" He stands up and streachs at this point, seemingly he had a long walk ahead of him.


Re: say what? seeing_only_red April 22 2009, 05:53:02 UTC
Itachi is once more thrown off by the man's question. How can he not know what a grocery store is? Perhaps this man is from a very small village that is not used to such things.

"The apartments will have the names Enveria and Rivera on large signs outside of them. The grocery store will have fresh produce stands outside of it with vegetables and fruits."


Re: say what? seeker_of_seven April 22 2009, 17:55:03 UTC
"oh." Bakura says feeling slightly stupid. "I'm Bakura by the way. Who are you?" he questions.


Re: say what? seeing_only_red April 22 2009, 19:40:34 UTC
"No one of consequence," Itachi replies. It is not the time to be giving out his identity.

"If we meet again...then I will introduce myself more formally."


Re: say what? seeker_of_seven April 23 2009, 02:10:36 UTC
"No need to be an ass about it." Bakura snaps. That's what he gets for trying to be friendly. Muttering darkly under his breath about people who thought they were better than they were, he stalks off to find some place to eat and spend the night.


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