zelos ✚ six

Apr 20, 2009 22:06

WHO Zelos and anyone else.
WHERE Espoir, somewhere near the Center Plaza.
STYLE Either, but please keep it consistent through out the thread. Personally, I prefer third, but. :>
STATUS Open. Very open. Zelos needs to interact with people after with how long I've he's been gone. :'D;;
NOTE I'M RUSTY LIKE HELL I'M SORRY ;; Please bear with me. :[;;

Zelos sat down quietly on a patch of grass, looking at the fountain not that far from him. He'd been gone for a long time again, he could feel it. Just walking around Somarium had given him a quick view of how things had changed now - areas he had known fairly well seemed different, and there were so many more people here now. Give or take a few, of course.

He sighed, putting down the Dreamberry beside him. "Well, looks like that crosses one off the list," he said, feeling a little bitter again. Asch's name wasn't on the list anymore, which meant that little brat had finally gone home. At least for now, anyway. Even though Zelos was glad his friend had finally gotten out of this crazy place, he still had to admit he was going to miss the guy. Even with the near constant fighting. It had been a while since he had made friends - at least since Lloyd. At least Lloyd seemed to still be here, which made him wonder what the dorky swordsman might be up to, anyway...

Sighing again, he slumped a little, still feeling lethargic. Maybe it was the effects of being in a prolonged "nap" or something, but he still felt half asleep. Maybe getting up and moving around again would help, he mused, trying to think of things to do and someone to talk to. Maybe I'll finally take the old man up on his offer of getting a drink.

fon master ion, zelos wilder, !location: espoir, judith, legretta the quick, danny fenton, luke fon fabre

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