Kallen ~ 001

Nov 01, 2008 21:56

Who: Kallen, Suzaku, C.C.
Where: Haunted Mansion, somewhere in the catacombs
Style: 3rd
Status: Semi-closed! Ask if you wanna join in or swap places or whatnot.


Kallen's eyes snapped open, but she couldn't move. It was as if her body wasn't her own anymore. What was more, in Japan, there was a belief that sleep paralysis--times when when you woke up, and you knew you were awake, but you couldn't move no matter what you did... that was caused by ghosts.

And from what she could see, she was in a cold, stone place filled with dry and dusty corpses.

Kallen struggled with all her strength, and after a torturous moment of unresponsive muscles, she finally broke free, like a drowning person finally managing to find the gap in the ice keeping them from the surface. She gasped, rolling onto her side. Part of her mind realized she was still in the bunny outfit, but most of it was staring at a white shadow that disappeared through the opposite wall.

"......" Staring in wide-eyed shock, the redhead scrambled to her feet, backing away from the open graves, then swept her eyes from side to side, trying to figure out where she was. It was nowhere she had seen before, though neither was the carnival yesterday--though at least that had been relatively non-offensive! Kallen swallowed hard, and moved towards a partly open door. She'd heard that same voice again today. Maybe that meant that other people were in the same boat.

"Hey! Is anybody out there?" she called as she opened the door. She was about to walk through it when she noticed a dusty plaque on the front of it. There were a lot of words, though, more than she'd think there'd be for a place like this, and so Kallen dusted it off with her hand. It read:

You landed on time
in the City of the Dead
How was your flight?
I'm glad that we met

Kallen stared at the inscription and remembered the white shadow, and the little hairs on her shoulders and neck and back began to stand to attention.

!event: halloween, kallen kouzuki, suzaku kururugi, !location: haunted mansion, c.c.

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