three || uncle badou, why are you never here when i need you.

Mar 26, 2009 22:17

Who: Nill, Badou, anyone else...?
Where: By the fountain in Espoir
Style: EITHER! :D
Status: Open~.

[You'd think that, with it being such a nice day and all, the little girl known as Nill would be out and about, enjoying the fine weather. But noooooooo; do you see her, guys? She's sitting by the fountain in Espoir, one of her dresses in her hands; you see, a button has recently managed to come loose, and she just can't have that.]

[But no one ever said sewing those stupid little buttons back on would be easy. In fact, the only thing Nill is really managing to do is prick her finger]

[and pull a total icon face]

[ooc: OH UNCLE BADOU~, THIS IS THE ONE TIME YOU CAN ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING USEFUL. And stfu about my lack of creativity, guys. SHHHHHHH ALSO, I'M KIND OF. GOING TO BED. Everything will be picked up tomorrow, bbs. ♥]

laharl, trucy wright, haine rammsteiner, badou nails, !location: espoir, nill, legretta the quick

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