[Suzumiya | 9]

Mar 23, 2009 22:24

♥ Who: Haruhi, Asch, Yuki, (Saber & Kyouya?)
♥ Where: A field in Espoir
♥ Style: 1st
♥ Status: OPEN! The main thread might be kind of hard to jump into without talking to us ('cause we might trample you with tags... OTL) but feel free to jump in there or to start a new thread in which you laugh at Asch! say hi.

Haruhi is a little aggravated. Her dream last night was weird and now she has to try and get Asch ready for a tennis tournament. It isn't fair! She's not supposed to even be talking to him!

"Get down to Espoir!" she'd snapped into the Dreamberry on two occasions already today. Once was to order Asch to get ready and meet them and the other was to command Yuki to do so as well. She only really regretted snapping at the pale girl like that, but, well, Yuki was used to it.

She stood surveying the area, waiting for them to get there. Supplies were sitting at her feet, ready to be used.

haruhi suzumiya, saber, nicholas d. wolfwood, ribbons almark, washu hakubi, yuki nagato, kyouya ootori, !location: espoir, asch the bloody

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