Mar 15, 2009 04:55

Style: FIRST

[there were chairs set up around a stage. It was elegantly decorated with ribbons and flowers, and spotlights could be seen set up along the front. And right in the center of it all was the King of Hosts himself, the one and only...Tamaki~ And he was dressed for the occassion:

Butler host.]

Welcome everyone~! I know you are all excited about this event, and I am as well!

Today, thanks to the help of our lovely Overlord and her ghosts, as well as a few volunteers whom I shall not mention, I have managed to gather as many men of the Somarium population as possible.

If everyone recalls the dream I had the other day, you may remember that I wished to create an event in celebration of White Day, a day that is celebrated in my world where the gentlemen give gifts in return to those he received on Valentine's Day a month prior.

As we did not have an actual Valentine's Day event, I felt that this would be a perfect opportunity to make it up!

So! Everyone~ You will be able to "bid" on a gentlemen of your choice and he will be your butler for the next week*! Once again, thanks to our gracious Overlord, she has made it so that they must stay within easy access distance.

And what do you bid with, you ask? Why, with dreams of course! You will have to bid with the number of dreams you will have that features the gentleman you are going for. But wait, there's another option!

With the "Buy it Now" feature, you will be able to automatically "win" your desired gentlemen. However! You can only do this once so choose wisely! Once a someone has used up the option, they will have to automatically dream three dreams that feature the gentleman. No one will be able to contest for him either, so those who are the quickest will succeed!

So now, everyone, for the moment you've all been waiting for~!

[cue the sparkles and rose petals as the victimd gentlemen suddenly poof on stage, again thanks to ghostly magic.]

[ooc: First, THIS EVENT IS CONTAINED ONLY WITHIN THIS LOG. You can make logs for things AFTER the auction. Now, THIS IS IT AND THIS IS HOW IT WORKS RP WISE:

Only the guys who were signed up on the sign-up post will be allowed to start threads. They are in no way locked, as anyone can respond to be like "FFFF HAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOSER" at the guy or talk to the other bidders. As indicated by the sign-up list, people have already signed up to bid on certain characters and some will have already been claimed. Even though the winner will have already been pre-determined OOCly, ICly the bidding war will go however the players want it until they decide to end it.

To make it easier for those who just randomly want to try and go for a guy, GUYS. When making your thread, PUT THIS IN THE SUBJECT LINE:


If you're still not sure who will be claiming, just put NAME [UNDECIDED] and make an OOC note in the post of who all you know is bidding so that there can be some OOC communication. If one person has put down a bid on the list, but you have not talked to them about whether or not they will win them (random bidder as a possibility), YOU ARE NOT CLAIMED. It's still undecided.

Whenever the players decide who will claim him, someone put that character's name in the subject line of any tag. Include a brief line where you specify something interesting about the character. Doesn't have to be character revealing, just something that could give a reason for random people to come by.

Keep each bid thread to one thread. First person to create the bidding thread put [BIDDING THREAD] in the subject line. If someone wants to jump in, they would have to tag the last person of the thread. If you want a thread order, talk to each other, otherwise I wouldn't worry too much since most of it will be "I RAISE MY BID BY 5 OMFG". You can have other threads to interact with the guy and other characters though just make sure it stays contained in that guy's section.

That's a lot of tl;dr. SO HAVE AN EXAMPLE to see it in action. For more information on what happens after, look here.

Also of note, the guys are already in butler uniforms. NOW HAVE FUN. And let's see if the format will stick :|]

laharl, peorth, amber, ryuuta ippongi, setsuna f seiei, link, ciel phantomhive, raven, badou nails, raiden, tohru adachi, !location: the tavern, neil dylandy (lockon stratos), austria (roderich edelstein), mao, minatsuki takami, edward cullen, !event: white day, lavi, rise kujikawa, cornelia li britannia, naoto shirogane, !location: somni, miles edgeworth, haine rammsteiner, hungary (elizaveta héderváry), tsume, soma peries, allelujah haptism, hayato saiyonji, solid snake, ema skye, leon geeste, yuki nagato, shikamaru nara, kaname kuran, lloyd irving, asuma sarutobi, shiro, asch the bloody, deidara, maka albarn, euphemia li britannia, estelle sidos, judith, prussia (gilbert weillschmidt), luke skywalker, trucy wright, yosuke hanamura, yoh takami, flynn scifo, minato arisato, tear grants, tamaki suoh, li shengshun (hei)

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