Vexen*Notes 001

Feb 20, 2009 00:46

Who: Vexen, and any other brave souls
Where: on the edge of Espoir and Somni, near the business district
Style: third
Status: Open!

There was so much data to collect.... )

vexen, duzell, !location: espoir

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as I promised have a Duzell :3 redeyed_devilx February 20 2009, 15:37:40 UTC
A world unknown to him, even Ishtar was not here. He was alone, again. Not that it mattered. He was used to it. Being here would be repetition of the past. After all his companions were all puppets anyway. He faintly stared about with a rather blank expression on his face as he explored the unknown world.

He smelled blood, and it was intoxicating, though he was used to the smell, he couldn't help but be a bit curious on what the hell it was that was giving off the scent.


yay!^_^ icy_fourth February 20 2009, 18:05:08 UTC
At first the scientist did not notice the other approaching. But after a moment, the scientist took his gaze off the modern city close by to look at Duzell, his expression emotionless.



<3333 redeyed_devilx February 21 2009, 00:51:32 UTC
It was a man, go figure. He sort of reminded him of someone with that hair... Ah, yes, Ishtar's Ruelle obsessed uncle, Lord Jened. Only this one's hair wasn't silver or wavy... he did seem about the same age. Perfect.

"Nothing, just passing by, really" he muttered the last part to himself.


Re: <3333 icy_fourth February 23 2009, 01:50:05 UTC

Vexen peered at the other, curious. He would need specimens soon enough and this one might do quite nicely.

The scientist gave a slow, creepy smile.

"And what do you happen to be?"


redeyed_devilx February 23 2009, 02:25:56 UTC
"Yeah," he replied to the 'oh,' part. The vampire was thinking how this man was starting to get on his nerves. He didn't know what the stranger was thinking, but the look on his face was obviously telling him curiosity, and something else. What was his intentions?

What did he happen to be? Did he mean like a race? He briefly paused before speaking, "What do you mean by that?" he inquired.


icy_fourth February 25 2009, 02:33:51 UTC
"As in what kind of creature are you," Vexen explained with a wave of his hand, not bothering trying to be polite or beat around the bush. "It is quite simple."


redeyed_devilx February 25 2009, 08:46:23 UTC
What he was? It wasn't normal for someone to flat out ask him what he was. He could say human, but then that would be lying, though, the vampire didn't really had any intentions of hiding his race from the world, it was bound to come out eventually.

"What you people would call a Vampire," he replied briefly.


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