Dance 07 ♥ Whatever happens...

Feb 13, 2009 19:58

Who: Euphie, Setsuna
Where: Somni
Style: Third
Status: Open to any meisters that may visit Setsuna, but otherwise closed.

Euphie walked along the familiar street that let to Setsuna's apartment, but instead of being happy to see him, her insides were twisting themselves up into knots instead. Setsuna, and that strange dream of his... she had really wanted to talk to someone about it, but her sister would more than likely fly into a rage, and she wasn't ready yet to talk to her half brother. And the only other person she knew...

Euphie paused, clasping her hands in front of her. Suzaku... she thought she would never see him again... thought that she could never see him again, especially after learning of her fate in their world.

After a moment, she shook her head. No, no... she could handle this herself. Of course she could; she was a perfectly mature young lady. With renewed determination, she walked the rest of the distance to Setsuna's apartment, before lightly knocking on the door.

"Setsuna? It's me."

!location: somni, euphemia li britannia, setsuna f seiei

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