Shane Walsh ☠ 001

Dec 09, 2011 01:09

Who: Deputy Sheriff Shane Walsh and somarium!
Where: Espoir
Style: Either - You choose!
Status: O P E N
Note: You can respond via Dreamberry or in person, just make sure you let me know which one you choose!

"The hell is this? The hell is this?!"

Shane continued to stomp through the field in which he woke up, pistol tucked in the back of his pants, bag of guns over his shoulder, and semi-automatic rifle aimed and ready to fire at a moment's notice. He knew the sound of gunfire would attract any walkers that were around, but his survival was most important and that was a risk he had to take. He paused a minute, looking around to try and figure out where in God's name he was. There was a phone in his pocket, one he's sure he didn't have back on Hershel's farm (and something he'd look into once he figured out where the fuck he was). One thing was for sure, this didn't look like Georgia, this didn't look like nothing he'd ever seen before. The buildings looked off, the field wasn't kept right... it certainly ain't Georgia and that was about the only thing he was sure of other than who he was and where he was from.

"Lori?! Carl??" he yelled. "Rick?! Where'd y'all go?! Come on now, this ain't funny! Shit guys, you know what happens when you just fuckin' leave somebody!"

And that's when he saw it, out of the corner of his eye he saw movement and it was slow and jerky and it looked wrong, all wrong, not human. Definitely not human... it had to be a walker and it was coming toward him. Shane had seen this before, he knew what was going on, and he knew what he had to do. Shoot it in the head, a shot to the chest or abdomen wouldn't do shit.

"God damn, I can't get a moment's peace."

He shoots the first one in the head and that's when he starts to see others move about in the field. They were all around and he knew that firing the shot was risky, but it had to be done. There was no other way, he didn't have that hillbilly around to use that crossbow of his and there wasn't enough cover to use a knife on the thing, walkers are quicker than they look. With a sigh, he takes off across the field at a slow run, firing round after round into the head of anything that moved that didn't tell him to put his fucking gun down.

He finally reached a small town, (sure as hell wasn't in Georgia... didn't even look like it was in the South), and stopped to take a breath once he was sure there weren't no walkers around. But the question still remained - where was everybody? They just leave him to die? To get bit by a walker? Shit, they chose the wrong person to leave. Ain't like Rick and Daryl can take care of everybody.

He took the phone out of his pocket and turned it on, looking into the screen. "Hello, hello, this is Shane Walsh, Deputy Sheriff Shane Walsh. If anybody can tell me where I am, I would gladly appreciate that. Rick, if you got that radio on and you can hear me, brother, please respond... I'm worried 'bout you."

suzaku kururugi, sheena fujibayashi, solid snake, shirley fenette, colette brunel, naomi hunter, shane walsh, magnus bane, !location: espoir, bela talbot

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