Unicorn 01: Do not be deceived by appearances.

Nov 26, 2011 21:33

Who: unique_remorse and blakc_dogstar
Where: The fields of Espoir.
Status: Closed
Style: First because it's faster.

[ Unicorn was walking slowly through the snow. She'd seen from her dreamberry all that had been happening, and had seen first hand how dangerous this place could be. So much for thinking she had ended up somewhere peaceful. Still, it could certainly be worse ( Read more... )

unicorn, sirius black

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black_dogstar November 27 2011, 04:02:17 UTC
[The large, black, dog stood out in the white of the snow but he didn't really care if everyone and their mother could see him. All he was looking for from this outing was some fresh air and peace from all the craziness.

However, his thoughts were interrupted by a smell he hadn't been expecting. It was definitely the smell of a unicorn, his curiosity piqued, he had to go check it out...]


unique_remorse November 27 2011, 04:20:13 UTC
[ In all the whiteness Sirius stuck out like a sore thumb. Unicorn stopped walking and stood perfectly still. She blended in perfectly, but there was no denying there was something there. Especially not with Sirius's keen nose. ]


black_dogstar November 27 2011, 05:01:31 UTC
[Padfoot followed his nose until he finally came across the unicorn. Not wanting to scare her away, he stopped and sat, looking at where he could just make her out in all the snow.]


unique_remorse November 27 2011, 05:09:32 UTC
[ Unicorn tossed her head a bit as the dog came closer. She tilted her head curiously as his scent reached her own nostrils. She was used to dogs smelling like humans. Most of them did since they lived so close to them, but there was something very much different about this dogs scent.

[ She took a few tentative steps closer to the creature, wondering if it was something from Somarium or from another world like Dash, Big Macintosh, and Fluttershy had been. ]



black_dogstar November 30 2011, 02:09:31 UTC
[Once he'd been acknowledged, Padfoot bowed his head in respect. He'd always wanted to meet a unicorn.

Tail wagging, he wondered if she could talk to him like other animals could. One way to find out.]



unique_remorse November 30 2011, 02:11:49 UTC
[ Unicorn remained quiet for a moment. His scent was in her nostrils and she was trying to process it. Who was this creature. ]

Who are you? I've never met a dog quite like you before. There's something [ She pauses not wanting to seem insulting. ] different about you.


black_dogstar November 30 2011, 02:18:29 UTC
[Mental sigh. That made things so much easier.]

I'm not fully a dog guess it's not surprising that you can tell


unique_remorse November 30 2011, 02:23:19 UTC
I thought so. Are you a changeling?

[ Unicorn knew of changelings, mermaids, kelpies, she had even met a few in her long life. ]


black_dogstar November 30 2011, 02:47:39 UTC
No, I'm human.


unique_remorse November 30 2011, 02:53:45 UTC
Are you a magician?

[ Unicorn tosses her head a bit in her curiosity. If Schmendrick had been able to turn himself into an animal before he turned her back it would have been very impressive. Only humans and changelings could really manage that sort of magic. ]


black_dogstar November 30 2011, 02:58:13 UTC
A wizard, but, yeah


unique_remorse November 30 2011, 02:59:47 UTC
I see.

[ Unicorn personally wasn't sure there was a difference, but she wasn't going to press it. ]

You have a name then?


black_dogstar November 30 2011, 03:03:55 UTC
Sirius Black

I haven't seen you around here before.

[He'd like to think he would have noticed a unicorn.]


unique_remorse November 30 2011, 04:14:00 UTC
I arrived two months ago.

[ She pauses thoughtfully for a moment. ]

Others had been telling me I was here before. Have you been here long?


black_dogstar December 1 2011, 18:49:40 UTC
A few months


You don't remember(?)


unique_remorse December 2 2011, 06:43:39 UTC
No, I'm afraid not. Though if this is a dream, I find it strange that I would have one, unless... [ She trails off then momentarily lost in thought. She'd had dreams before, but never one's quite so vivid as this, and certainly not while she was a unicorn. At least then she would have known she was dreaming. ]


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