Who: Souda Emonzaemon and some poor soul you!
Where: Within the City, Business Quarters
Style: Whatever you're up for, I'll follow!
Status: Open forever and ever.
[ Gunshots echo around the city. The maker of that ruckus lowers his smoking guns, one in each hand. The victim? A soda machine.
What lead to this machine's unfortunate demise? Well, it started when Emonzaemon was exploring the city, gathering as much detail as he could about the area. It wasn't as if the metal and glass building were completely different to him. He had heard of such things through Princess Hitei when she related the tales about Shikzaki Kiki's premonitions. But hearing about the inventions of the future and seeing them in person were entirely different experiences from each other.
Not to mention that despite his aloof air, Emonzaemon steeled himself for an ambush at anytime. He came back; who's to say that an enemy might not already be here and concealing their presence? He kept his thumbs hooked around Entou Jyuu while he walked.
Then, he passed that soda machine.
If soda machines had feelings, this one would've been very pleased with itself. It had just been upgraded, so that it could give and receive voice prompts. Top-of-the-line, it was. ]
[ Emonzaemon turned on his high-heel to the strange machine. He studied it for a minute, until it spoke again. ]
Would you like a Pepsi soda?
[ Normally, Emonzaemon would not have replied. A machine is a machine. But the Dreamberry made him more wary of them. Keeping his voice leveled, he answers: ]
Incorrect. My name is Souda Emonzaemon. [ At least, he thought it was referring to a person. The Dreamberry contained the voices and videos of people, so should this not be the same? ]
Searching. [ A flurry of lights ran down the side of the machine. At this, Emonzaemon approached it. ] Nothing of that name exists.
[ Emonzaemon denied to himself that statement affected him. He had fulfilled his princess' orders and there was no regret in that. He still gave it a quick kick, feeling mocked somehow. He also wanted to see if it would respond. And it did.]
Warning. Tampering detected. Further tampering will result in authorities being called.
[ A small 'hmph' passed his lips. He didn't know such a thing as law other than the commands of his princess. Still, he couldn't take a risk of whatever authorities Somarium had being more capable than those back in Japan. So, silence would have to be applied.]
[ After re-holstering his guns, Emonzaemon turns his head to see that the sound of his guns firing overwhelmed the sound of approaching footsteps, your footsteps.]
Unwelcome. You should state your presence before entering an area. It is quite rude to do otherwise.