Jonathan Ariga | 001

Oct 11, 2011 19:47

Who: Jonathan Ariga and YOU~!
Where: Espoir
Style: Either
Status: OPEN! Help a bro out?

Waking up in an unfamiliar pumpkin patch was perhaps the oddest thing that had happened to Johnny in quite a while. Sitting up, he took a quick look around him, noticing nothing but a vast sea of orange. Everywhere he looked were pumpkins, pumpkins, and more pumpkins.

"That's strange..." Did he drink too much last night? Perhaps this was a dream. Johnny hoped it was, at least. As he stood up and began to walk, stepping carefully through the vast ocean of pumpkins, it became more and more apparent that this place was real, although it hardly resembled any place he had seen before.

Thankfully, he didn't seem to be alone. Just beyond the mound of pumpkins was a silhouette, most likely a person. As he approached the figure, the sound of something heavy rolling across the ground filled the air... Looking back, a pumpkin came barreling towards him, moving much faster than any normal object should. Wasting no time, Johnny began to run, turning back to notice a few more pumpkins chasing after him. At this rate, it didn't look like he could outrun the pumpkins for long. He hoped there was someone, anyone out here who might be able to assist him before these pumpkins mowed him down.

polka, solid snake, vincent brooks

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