shirley || 01

Oct 08, 2011 21:52

Who: Shirley & everyone c:
Where: The streets of Somni/shopping district. (Feel free to run into her anywhere \o\)
Style: First for lazy? (Otherwise I'll match)
Status: Open!

Th-this is so embarassing...

[Shirley wraps her arms around herself as she walks through the streets of Somni, trying to hide the apparent blood that's found its way onto her ( Read more... )

lelouch vi britannia, ada vessalius, diana of themyscira (wonder woman), alice liddell (heart no kuni), suzaku kururugi, nunnally vi britannia, rolo lamperouge, teddie, shirley fenette, c.c., olette, !location: somni

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[action] forgetsyounot October 22 2011, 09:23:19 UTC
[Shirley hasn't actually moved far from her previous location. Just a tad further in, away from suspicious eyes--away from all of the strange and unfamiliar faces. So perhaps it is something to do with her Dreamberry and the location it was giving--since there is a ton she doesn't know about it and ton of options and configurations she's yet to look at...

She is sitting, messing with the device, perhaps still trying to come to term with the fact that it is indeed hers, when she suddenly hears her name spoken. Her eyes widen upon recognizing the voice, and she gets up, tucking her phone back into her pocket to find the source. She steps out briefly to the spot where she'd been standing when she spoke with him.

He might even recognize it when he saw it.]


[She spots him walking past quickly enough, and calls after him. She knows that it's him--]

H-Hey, over here. Sorry...I thought it'd be easier if I separated myself from the crowd some...

[She frowns, feeling guilty to have inconvenienced him at all. But she is glad to see him at last...]


[action] zerointegrity October 26 2011, 06:36:43 UTC
[Upon hearing her voice, Lelouch immediately turns and sees a timid Shirley with a small frown on her face... she was never one to easily hide her emotions, everything always written clearly on her face.]

You needn't be concerned with what others may be thinking right now. They don't need to know the circumstances surrounding why you need a change of clothes.

[He smiles before handing her the shirt and jacket.]

You should be able to change in any of the stores in this area, just ask for a dressing room or for one of the employees to point you in the direction of the nearest restroom... Or we can go back to my home if you would feel more comfortable there. It's up to you, Shirley.


[action] forgetsyounot October 27 2011, 23:23:46 UTC
[Up to her...huh...

It's kind of a strange notion to think about. She's not entirely used to it, because hardly anything is ever up to her anymore. Losing her father wasn't her choice; Lulu's actions weren't her choice, what he chose to tell her...or not tell her, as the case may be, was certainly not her choice.

She can only be in control of her own actions, which is obvious--reasonable. Yet somehow she still expects so much more of herself. Like she should be able to do more than just simply be there for him...

But then again, she supposes she should be grateful for being able to do even that much.

'Somarium' wherever this place is--allows it so.]

I-I'm not really sure...this is all rather sudden.

[She takes the shirt and the jacket timidly, her cheeks turning a faint red again.]

I had no idea you had a house here...

[Surely he still considers Britannia his home, but...with the way he rebelled against everyone, the way he sought to change everything, all for the sake of Nunna...

Perhaps not.]


[action] zerointegrity October 28 2011, 01:02:06 UTC
[His reply is short, simple, and straight to the point. There was really nothing else he had, or wanted, to add. He doesn't need to tell her that a select number of his siblings were in Somarium, he has no need to tell her that Kallen and Suzaku are here, or that Milly and Euphemia were here, she doesn't need to know about C.C.'s presence, either.

At least, not now.

Those things weren't important right now, in his mind. Helping Shirley understand her current surroundings, that she's here for the long haul, and that this place isn't the dream it may seem to be... That's the most important thing.

And getting her properly taken care of and out of the public eye.]

I've been here for over a year, Shirley.


[action] 1/2 forgetsyounot October 28 2011, 02:07:43 UTC
O-Over a year?!

[She repeats, flabbergasted, almost dropping the jacket and shirt. She looks...surprised to say the least, and she has to repeat the words again in her mind, just for it to sink in. Over a year...

Over a year...?]


[action] 2/2 forgetsyounot October 28 2011, 02:08:37 UTC
[It really doesn't sound any more believable, and she clings tightly to the clothes he's given her, as if she's clinging to Lelouch himself.]

But...I don't understand.

I-I just saw you...

[How long ago? An hour? Maybe two?

Even that is generous, considering how she still feels disoriented from waking up here. She remembers seeing him, because how could she forget such an important moment like that...?

Maybe she's been asleep for an entire year? But even that sounds ridiculous, in light of all this--because he obviously knows, doesn't he...?

He's not at all surprised to see her like this--though admittedly, very few things surprised him. And he even mentioned that other people did not know the circumstances--implying he does. If it's impossible for her to forget, then it must be doubly impossible for him to.

Even if it has been a year or more, surely he remembers; and for her just to show up out of the blue as a reminder...

Haha. She must be a horrible person to do that.

...She can't even bring herself to say anything more, so she stays silent, averting her eyes.

Ready to follow him no matter what he may say. No matter how Somarium tries to confuse her, mess with her emotions...]


[action] zerointegrity October 28 2011, 16:22:15 UTC
I know you did. It's extremely confusing and hard to understand when you first arrive.

[He gives her a curious look, brows furrowing slightly, before returning to the smile that was previously on her face. With every unsure word out of her mouth, he begins to compile a list of things they need to discuss - What Somarium is, how one arrives here, how things like timelines and death are irrelevant to this place, what she does and doesn't remember in Britannia, things she needs to know concerning a few of the residents, things she needs to know concerning goings on in Britannia... The list could go on and on.

Her innocence needs to be preserved... at least, what's left of it.]

I'll explain everything as soon as we can comfortably talk without fear of interruption or somebody overhearing our conversation. For now, we can either find somewhere for you to change your clothes or return to my home.


[action] forgetsyounot October 30 2011, 04:29:17 UTC

[Of course.

She has to focus. She has to stay calm, if she wants to learn anything about this place--even if she is confused and disoriented. Things would surely be easier with Lulu here, at least. She knows she can trust him, so...she nods.

And then she turns back to him with a little more confidence, and gives him a gentle smile.]

Will...will you show me, then? I mean--where you've been staying...

[If he doesn't mind. But he did offer--didn't he? It's difficult to tell what's real anymore...]


[action] zerointegrity November 3 2011, 07:30:02 UTC

[He extends his arm, motioning for her to walk ahead. The smile on his face is warm, familiar, and (above all else) genuine.]

I parked my motorcycle not too far from here. [A pause] Don't worry, though, I brought an extra helmet for you. I had a feeling we would be leaving this crowded area in favor of somewhere a bit more intimate. As for the clothes I brought you... you can tuck them under your arm or squeeze them into the small bag on the side of the bike, though I don't know if the jacket will fit...

[He trails off, searching for his key in various pockets.]

You're also welcome to wear it if those options don't suit you.


[action] forgetsyounot November 4 2011, 19:05:38 UTC

Wearing it. That...that was the idea, wasn't it? It'll be easier, perhaps, if she waits until she gets to his house, where she'd have a lot more privacy, but...]

It probably would be safest if I wore it. I wouldn't want to let it slip out from under me on accident or something...

[And the shirt can go in the bag by itself, where she can grab and change into it later. As long as everything's okay with him and all.

She'll still blush a bit though, at the thought of finally getting a chance to talk to him, uninterrupted...]

But, um...which way is your motorcycle, Lulu?

[She'll follow him anywhere...]


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