Diana [WW #1] - Arrival

Oct 03, 2011 10:52

Who: Diana/Wonder Woman & Anyone
Where: Espoir, outside the Church of Roses
Style: Third, may switch to match other posting formats.
Status: Open

Diana brushed her long dark hair out of her face as she sat up on the steps of the church. She looked like she'd just woken up from a long and decent sleep, although there was a tensing in her shoulders that indicated she was starting to sense something was not quite right. Her eyes opened slowly and immediately she was on alert. This was not her room, nor was it the Watchtower. Even if it had been the Watch Tower, Diana would have had some choice words for whoever was operating the teleporters (you do NOT teleport someone while they are sleeping, thank you).

She was on her feet in the blink of an eye, looking around and trying to get her bearings. She wasn't panicked though, not much any way...not yet. The world had changed before in the blink of an eye and immediately Diana began to wonder if this was some spell or another gone awry. Based on her own experience that was the most likely explanation for why her bedroom was no longer around her and why she was outside of a small church. Diana reached up, tapping her fingers to her ear to activate the comm link that connected directly to the Watch Tower. "Wonder Woman to Watch Tower...can anyone hear me?" Silence was all that greeted her which was certainly not a good thing.

Diana lowered her hand and crossed her arms instead, "This does not bode well. Surely I can't be the only one here." There were a number of reasons the comm link didn't work, some more innocent than others. She just hoped it wasn't because she was on another planet because the only thing worse than a spell gone awry and changing the planet or teleporting her to this place was being abducted and on an alien planet with no way of contacting the League.

She started taking a closer look at her surroundings in the hopes that some clue would jump out at her. As far as he could tell the small church was surrounded by your typical small village. She looked down at the steps she'd been sleeping on and noticed a small cell phone near her foot. It didn't belong to her, or so she thought, but she picked it up anyway because it just seemed so out of place outside a quaint little church in a small little town. She tucked it into her belt and started to walk away from the church, curiousity getting the better of her. If she was going to get home or contact the League, she was going to have to find out more.

steve rogers, diana of themyscira (wonder woman), !location: espoir, desmond miles

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