Who: Alice Liddell and
somariumWhere: The Church of Holy Light
Style: Third but I'll match
What: Alice spends her days at the church until Javert finds her a new home. Alice is attempting to cope.
Warnings: Angst, cute, and the ball of tangents and curiosity that is Alice.
Status: OPEN!
Her dresses were getting looser. They were never snug, of course, but they had always fit her perfectly. Now her dresses were loose. She had to tie her bow tighter and her dress seemed to sit oddly on her. Or maybe she was imagining things. She was rather good at that, to be perfectly honest. The things she imagined and the things that were fact were and could blur together without her notice or allowance. Such a thing didn't need her allowance. That was the difficult part. At the end of the day she had to really decide if her adventure was a real one. Of course, in a dream world where anything could happen, it didn't matter what was and wasn't her imagination. A shared dream on some planet that didn't have much rhyme of reason. Days were not really days, years weren't years, because when people woke up, no time would pass. And currently, her days were being spent at the church, not ready for the Academy. They had tried, briefly, but as soon as she was around her classmates she started to break down and close-in on herself. Alice couldn't handle them, she didn't want to listen to what was said, to be kind, to interact with the other children. So as quick as she had been in school again she had been pulled out of it. This brought her to her current situation.
She was in the church. It brought her more comfort than the school and since going back into her own cottage at the moment made her break down into tears every single time until she was incoherent, the church was a very good idea.
Except churches were never known to be exactly "fun." The Church of Holy Light was no different. A church wasn't exactly meant to be a day-care for a child. Especially not a nine year old child. She wandered all about the church as the day continued. Inside, outside, inside, outside, and whatever else suited her fancy and whimsy.
There were still people constructing parts of the church and she wasn't allowed near that. The lack-luster garden didn't let her converse with the flowers all day.
So Alice's curiosity was left to expand and grow. Her imagination went unchecked. Her mind and emotions were left to themselves.
Oh such terrible thoughts she had. Constant thoughts that focused on her family, her lack of one, her friends and the people that kept leaving. More and more people leaving. Waking up from what Alice was slowly coming to think of as a nightmare. She should be happy, right? They get to go back? But then, even those who weren't happy at home weren't happy here.
"Can anyone be happy anymore?" she asked to her rabbit aloud. She took a deep breath and gazed up at the sky.