Cain + 008

Aug 11, 2011 19:59

Who: Cain Hargreaves godchild , Riff Raffit loyal_judas , and Agatsuma Soubi smokinfighter 
Where: Hargreaves Mansion - Espoir
Style: Whichever
Status: Closed to the aforementioned

Cain sat back in the chair with a frown, once more flipping open the watch fob without actually looking at it, just to hear the mechanical sound of the click and keep his fingers preoccupied.

Tea, while a daily routine for the earl - as with any self-respecting Englishman, was more of a private affair. He took tea alone and not necessarily in the drawing room; rather in his bedroom, in the library, outside, on the go, wherever he happened to be and Riff arrived with tea, he would accept the cup and linger long enough to savor it. He might even be prevailed upon to eat something, though not always. His appetite was flighty in the afternoon, other things on his mind.

And so Cain is not accustomed to formal tea now, having to wait for others to join him, having to sit down and make conversation. He longed for the taste of the tea, the way only Riff prepared it, and he wanted to have those few minutes alone with his butler, who could be silent if Cain's mood called for it, or speak with him if the earl prompted it.

Instead, he sat in wait for Soubi to call, wondering if he would be late or forget about the appointment entirely. He better not, considering he had essentially invited himself.

Cain could have declined. But after witnessing that dream... well, his interest was piqued and he decided to give the man a second chance to make an impression other than irritation and imposition. Perhaps there was something behind his bad habits and teasing. If not, he could enjoy the benefit of Riff's tea and then be on his way again.

riff(eal) raffit, soubi agatsuma, cain hargreaves

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