allelujah [Ø] 03

Feb 05, 2009 09:16

Who: Allelujah, Lockon
Where: The Courthouse
Style: Third
Status: Semi-closed - if you're interested, just ask :D

Picking his way across the city proved more difficult than it used to be, with debris from storm and quake still littered across many streets. Desolate buildings lined the walkways, some having fared worse than others, and while no sign of ( Read more... )

neil dylandy (lockon stratos), allelujah haptism, !location: courthouse

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neraiutsuze February 4 2009, 23:43:54 UTC
Lockon's sight had slowly begun to come back to him over the past couple of days- things were slightly dimmer than usual and blurry around the edges, but the effects of the concussion were ebbing away. His dead eye remained just that, but with the slowly returning vision came a bit of hope amidst the relative darkness of his week. Tieria Erde had still not returned. In that way, perhaps he wasn't all that grateful to be able to see once more.

He stood up at seeing the familiar form and headed right over. "Allelujah," he said, relieved to see that he looked as though he'd made it through alright.


ofgratitude February 5 2009, 00:05:54 UTC
"Lockon!" That the Meister had recognised him was an immense relief on its own - wounded, perhaps, but healing. It was a relief much needed, as the rest of Lockon's features were frankly alarming, and Allelujah could not help but wince in a sympathetic echo of the pain the injury had to still be causing. "How are you feeling?"


neraiutsuze February 5 2009, 00:08:55 UTC
"Terrible," said Lockon exhaustedly, but he had a faint smile on his face. "Like my head's been split in two. Well, that's not far from the truth." He shifted uneasily. "Tieria's still..." His voice trailed off. "...Well, he'll be back." Abruptly he changed the topic- it hurt too much to think about-- "Setsuna's fine, too."

There was a short pause before Lockon began to feel strangely rude, as though he should be hospitable- well, living in the courthouse for the past few days had made him start to think of it as a temporary home of sorts. "Hey, let's go sit down." He motioned to some chairs over by a window. "How are you?"


ofgratitude February 5 2009, 00:18:29 UTC
Confirmations both good and bad, and Allelujah nodded mutely. The offer to sit spurred a flicker of guilt - of course, Lockon probably still required rest in his condition - and he turned towards the chairs with a murmur of agreement.

Allelujah hesitated at the query; it was one he had almost hoped to avoid, futile as that wish was. "I'm fine. There was sufficient shelter nearby and I was able to wait out the worst of it."


neraiutsuze February 5 2009, 00:24:01 UTC
Lockon let himself sink into a chair with a relieved sigh that he didn't bother to hide. His muscles were still quite sore. "Ah. That's good to hear." He looked up at Allelujah's face, and then back at the table, where he had set his Dreamberry down earlier. It was still there, but next to it were a couple of cards. He looked at them disinterestedly, picking one up and staring at both sides. They probably belonged to someone else. He picked up his Dreamberry and turned it over in his hand a couple of times.

"I didn't know you could use credit cards here," he noted, even though there was no name, or numbers on the card. Still, though, it was the same size as one. Vaguely he noted the slot that was in his Dreamberry. A slot that he hadn't ever noticed before. "...Weird."


ofgratitude February 5 2009, 00:31:57 UTC
Allelujah cocked his head as Lockon picked something up from a nearby table, a touch of curiosity creeping forward. At the credit card statement, he shook his head. "There are no banks here. None that I've seen." Cautiously, he plucked the card's twin from the flat surface, holding it delicately between two fingers for closer inspection. The best comparison he could think of was the playing cards he had sometimes seen members of the crew using in those precious moments of downtime, but if this card had entertainment purposes, they were lost to him.

"Perhaps...information storage?" He glanced around the Courthouse. "Could it belong to someone here?"


neraiutsuze February 5 2009, 00:39:33 UTC
"Hm." Lockon flipped it over and stared at it again. "If it's got some kind of data on it, it makes me think that we shouldn't be touching it. Maybe it goes in a camera? A sort of memory card, maybe." He tapped the Dreamberry. "But there's a slot in this thing that would fit it. I suppose it's someone's memory card for their phone."

There was a small pause as he wondered what could be on it. Either something personal, or ... information about this world, maybe. Who knew. "Hey, let's take a look at them."


ofgratitude February 5 2009, 00:46:15 UTC
"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Allelujah treated first Meister, then card, to a doubtful look. Neither of them knew what they were, or who they belonged to - a proper response would be to leave the objects be until further information could be obtained. And yet...he dipped one hand into his coat pocket and pulled out his own Dreamberry with a faintly resigned sigh.


neraiutsuze February 5 2009, 00:49:39 UTC
"Why not?" Lockon lifted his eyebrows, but he couldn't really explain to Allelujah just why he wanted to. Temporary distractions, small things to do to take his mind off of Tieria Erde... Anything would do. He picked up the card in his hands. A few seconds of distraction he would willingly, selfishly take, even if it meant a little invasion of someone's privacy.

He swiped the card in his Dreamberry decisively.


ofgratitude February 5 2009, 01:05:02 UTC
He blinked. When everything in front of him didn't go away, he tried blinking again, and frowned. Where was...

He moved to stand - and only a quick flail at the thing in front of him stopped him from tumbling forward onto the ground. He didn't grab it however, because he couldn't. He couldn't see his hands. They were buried in something. Slowly, very slowly, he tilted his head to stare down. There was a heartbeat where it was nothing but jumbled shapes and colours, senses straining to understand what they were seeing. And then...he gasped and shoved himself back upright, back colliding with something hard behind it - a chair? - and there was a tonne of dark cloth all over him and these weren't his clothes.

Allelujah clapped two sleeve-muffled hands over his mouth, stifling the cry to a mere yelp.


neraiutsuze February 5 2009, 01:10:06 UTC
"...Where am I-?"

Dazed, he blinked, staring around at- seriously, what the heck- the place he was in and all of the people milling around in it. Neil was feeling strongly displaced, and the sensation filled him with anxiety- it was like... Well, it was like when you fell asleep at school with your head on the desk and being jolted awake by the teacher. You always had several seconds of utter confusion where you wondered why you weren't in your bed. It was like that. Neil shifted uncomfortably on his chair and stared at the phone in his hands.

"Um." He stared across at the boy sitting in the chair opposite him and then once more took in the adults scattered around the room, who seemed to be ignoring them both. Neil looked back to the other boy. He had no idea who he was. He blinked several times, feeling rather stupid, and wondered if he'd been whacked on the head. "......Hi," he finally said.


ofgratitude February 5 2009, 01:21:52 UTC
They didn't usually do this. They usually said when they were going to a strange place, even if they didn't say much. And he didn't remember a sting...Allelujah rubbed at his left shoulder as much as he could with all the clothing in the way. For once he felt worse about there not being an ache. It didn't make sense.

A voice made him look over to the side. Maybe someone- oh. The boy there looked confused too. And it wasn't even someone he'd seen before. Allelujah looked at his lap, and swallowed. "Hello."


neraiutsuze February 5 2009, 01:27:12 UTC
Neil was still wondering where he was and why his clothes did not fit- to the point that he was a bit scared to try to stand up, because his pants were probably going to fall down- when the other boy responded. He looked quite lost, just as he was. Neil tilted his head, and then sighed. He'd figure out whatever this was later. "Hey," he said, smiling then. Maybe he was in class or something, but that didn't explain all the adults.

He looked over his shoulder and then back to the boy. "Sooo, uh... You don't know where we are either, right? 'Cause I'd be pretty glad if you didn't."


ofgratitude February 5 2009, 01:47:23 UTC
Allelujah took another look around. He definitely didn't know where this was. It didn't look anything like the normal rooms. And there were all those people...was this the colony? But they weren't allowed in the colony!

He shook his head, hard. "I don't know. I've never been here before."


neraiutsuze February 5 2009, 02:01:38 UTC
Neil's rush of relief was so obvious that it probably would have been embarrassing were Lyle here to smack him for it. "Hey, cool! Uh, I mean, it's not cool, but definitely okay." He stared the boy in the eyes- one of them, anyway, 'cause the kid's hair covered the other- and said, "...Hey, do you think we've been kidnapped?"

He tilted his head. "All of these people here are kidnappers, I bet. Huh. That's not good." Despite what he said, his tone was light and he was edging out of the uncomfortably oversized vest draped on him. The green t-shirt hung past his elbows.


ofgratitude February 5 2009, 02:22:09 UTC
"Kidnapped?" For something bad, the boy didn't seem very upset about it, and all the other people weren't even looking at them. Allelujah met his gaze with a very genuine bemusement. He knew that sometimes kids went a bit funny, but he'd never seen someone be all like this before. "Oh. Are we supposed to do something about that?"


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