☠ 01 : Something to Take the Edge Off

Aug 02, 2011 01:11

Who: _devil_inside and somarium
Where: Random bar in the Residential District
Style: Prose preferred
Status: Open like a whore's boudoir.

He'd heard the song a million times and still loved it. )

shaun hastings, elena fisher, !location: somni, lara croft, dante

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_devil_inside August 2 2011, 20:01:28 UTC
The devil hunter tipped his bottle to the Brit; Dante was never one to turn down free booze if he could possibly help it.

"Sure, pal."

Despite Hastings' sometimes cutting remarks, Dante had to admit he liked the man. Putting up with no end of shit from other people; yeah, Dante could totally relate to that. Took a certain kind of tolerance to do so and keep one's sanity, he knew from experience.

Dante propped an elbow on the bar as Shaun poured, then nodded thanks as he picked up his freshly filled glass. Giving the historian a raised eyebrow, he remarked before drinking, "No offense, dude, but ya look like ya just crawled out from under ground zero somewhere." Tossing back the amber liquid, Dante inquired mildly, "Trouble?"


lastyears_model August 2 2011, 21:10:56 UTC
For someone who'd been in the city for as long as she had been now, the blond still hadn't really ventured around it much, save for swimming across alleyways and climbing over rooftops when those weird creatures with purple jewels were lollygagging about. As it were, she barely had any information on what had just come to pass through the city this time around, being asleep throughout the whole of it left her with questions, however for as high as her curiosity was about most things, the girl wasn't terribly fond of getting the details of the passing situation ( ... )


_devil_inside August 2 2011, 21:37:01 UTC
He wasn't here to socialize. He was here to attempt to drown the recollections of the previous days in a booze induced fog, silencing those ghosts in an alcoholic stupor. But never let it be said that Dante Sparda would ignore conversation from a pretty woman, no matter his own level of angst. However, he also wasn't one to just traipse out his issues for the entire world to criticize; no, the Man in Red kept most of humanity far out at arm's length, deflecting any serious queries with an easy charming smile and purposefully witty misdirection ( ... )


lastyears_model August 2 2011, 21:59:59 UTC
There was no surprise from her when he didn't just suddenly turn to her and word vomit all his feelings and emotions to her. When it came to men, Elena knew and spent most of her time with the only kind that didn't even know how to open up in the first place and besides, she didn't know him and he didn't know here, there was no reason for him to give her insight to his problems. She hadn't expected that he would, the blond was simply being a bit of a friendly stranger letting him know that even people whom weren't close to him cared enough to let him know that there was some concern involving whatever it was on his mind ( ... )


_devil_inside August 2 2011, 22:21:07 UTC
The devil hunter shrugged again and took a healthy sip of his own brew, potent whiskey that did little to set fire in his belly anymore. Of course, one could probably pave roads with the flesh of his esophagus, so. Tony Redgrave hadn't really believed in health food, juice or snacks, so the only sustenance a ten year old half-devil kid had been able to scrounge was hard liquor, greasy cheeseburgers and the occasional steak-and-potatoes meal. And old habits died very, very hard ( ... )


nvrtheeasyway August 4 2011, 05:13:47 UTC
Much like Dante, the upside down world was taking a toll on the Tomb Raider as well. When things would be back to normal, if they ever did that is, she would have to thank Cid for the Skyrunner. It had been useful during the flood, letting her save trapped people as well as drowning ones, and it proved to be useful again during this...zombiesque time. There was a small comfort in the fact that she had been able to help Alice and others from becoming one of the mindless residents walking around, but the price to pay was something that gnawed at Lara ( ... )


_devil_inside August 5 2011, 08:57:14 UTC
And here he'd thought all he'd have to contend with was bad memories and shitty recollections. Apparently not so, for Dante flicked a blue gaze to his right, seeing Her Ladyship's familiar countenance. An eyebrow went up and he snorted a chuckle, shaking his head slightly.

"Well, ain't you a sight for sore eyes, Lady Croft." He downed the rest of the bourbon and slid it over for a refill. "Haven't seen you in...a month or so, seems like." Nodding his thanks for the fresh glass and dark whiskey filling it, he lifted it in her direction, a polite salute, then knocked it back.

"Been keepin' busy, I reckon?"


nvrtheeasyway August 9 2011, 05:08:55 UTC
She offered him a smile for his compliment, one that turned into a small smirk: "A month, really? Did you miss me that much that you needed to count the days, Dante?" Her tone was playful, as usual, green eyes twinkling with amusement. She had no doubt that the man kept as busy as she had been with the flood and the possessed people and that the month that had passed since the last time they talked had simply been due to circumstances out of their control.

She returned his salute with one of her own, lifting her pint of beer to his glass before taking it to her lips. The night was young and she downed a good quarter of it in a sip. Putting back the glass on the counter she tilted her head slightly:

"Not by choice, though. In between black waters everywhere and crazy people, I have not had time to relax, no. It seems that there always someone stupid enough to openly seek out danger." And of course, people with more sense like her had to get their asses out of danger.


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