Setsuna ♣ 007 Fortune Telling House

Jul 21, 2011 16:55

Who: Eas and somarium !
When: 21st July
Where: Downtown Somni, Fortune Telling House
Style: Replies in First please.
Status: Open!

[Well the majority of Somarium has been re-built, and that includes the Fortune Telling Mansion in Somni.

You may have seen a flyer posted around town, or have been led there by the rumour of a fortune-teller in Somarium with ( Read more... )

!location: somni, polka, eas

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cloudedjudgemnt July 21 2011, 18:23:17 UTC
I wasn't sure what lead me to this place, really. Fortune-telling was something I wasn't particularly a firm "believer" in. Right now, however, I was willing to give it a shot.

Maybe it was the fact that I hadn't had much human contact since I'd arrived in this place... whatever it was. I still needed some answers. I had already learned quite a bit by speaking with some of the locals, but it had yet to fully sink in.

Plainly put... I was definitely lost. And Jesus wasn't showing me any clues. I was feeling a little hopeless and desperate. I'd been walking for days. It had taken me a while before ending up in this city-like area, and I'd ignored the Fortune-telling signs at first. But now...

Now I was standing in front of an older-looking mansion. This was the place, right? This is where I'd been told to go, anyway. Whether or not a Fortune-teller could actually help me was still quite left to be seen. I still had my doubts. But at this point, I was willing to give it a shot. Hell, everything else about this place seemed unreal. Why not?

Deciding that maybe knocking on a door to a mansion was probably useless, I opted instead to give it a tug. Maybe there was some sort of directory inside or something. Or maybe Mr. Smartypants Fortune-teller magically knew I was coming and would be right there to welcome me by name. That would certainly open my mind a little more to this dumb decision.

Here goes nothing.


fromlabyrinth July 21 2011, 19:17:45 UTC
[Well she is standing at the top of the staircase when you come in...]

Welcome to the Fortune Telling House.


cloudedjudgemnt July 22 2011, 00:26:12 UTC
[Well... considering that it was a large building that people were being invited into, he supposed he shouldn't be too surprised that someone was waiting to greet customers.]

Thank you. I've never been to a place like this before... Do I need to make an appointment?


fromlabyrinth July 22 2011, 01:00:49 UTC
No. Come in.

[She walks down the stairs and towards a door at the side of the room.] Follow me.


cloudedjudgemnt July 22 2011, 01:05:55 UTC
[Easy enough. He waited for her at the bottom of the stairs and followed her into the room.]

I apologize, I hope you don't find me difficult. I'm not even really sure what kind of questions to ask. I've never had my fortune told or anything like that.


fromlabyrinth July 22 2011, 01:18:51 UTC
Ask your heart what it desires most.

[She takes a seat at her fortune-telling table. The room is dark save for a single light above the table.]


cloudedjudgemnt July 22 2011, 01:43:14 UTC
[He gives a deep sigh and sits at the table across from her. How to go about this?]

Well... I guess what I'd really like to know is if everything went... 'well' back home. I was in the middle of finishing something big... I don't know if it worked. I'm sorry, I'm being vague. Do you need me to clarify a bit more?


fromlabyrinth July 23 2011, 00:46:56 UTC
No. Let us consult the fates now.

[She waves her hands over the crystal ball. It glows a pale blue in response.]

... I see. Your past was fraught with danger... and your future even more so.


cloudedjudgemnt July 23 2011, 02:50:09 UTC
Hnn. Yeah, I guess that's true. But, my future? You mean here in this place? I was told this is a different 'world' from... where I'm from. This place is dangerous?


fromlabyrinth July 23 2011, 03:13:57 UTC
Hard to say... this world of Somarium does have many perils. Particularly on the night of a full moon.


cloudedjudgemnt July 23 2011, 10:10:10 UTC
[He sighs, frowning a little.]

Ah. Well, that's just great.

What about Matt? Is he alright? ...Did he make it?


fromlabyrinth July 24 2011, 01:37:22 UTC
Let us see. [She looks into her crystal ball once more.]

... your friend has suffered much. But you will see him again.


cloudedjudgemnt July 24 2011, 23:36:57 UTC
[He blinked at this news, perking up quite a bit. He'd see him again? That meant he was alive.]

Oh, thank God. I thought he was going to die...

Well, I can't thank you enough for that inform- wait. I'll see him again?! But, I thought - I mean, I heard that we're stuck in this place? How will I-? Am I... going home?

[He sounds a little more excited and hopeful than he'd meant to let on.]


fromlabyrinth July 26 2011, 00:50:40 UTC
They say that the people here will return home when the time is right...

When your time is though, I cannot say. I am sorry.


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