shizuo ☣ seventh throw

Jun 16, 2011 22:01

Who: hatesviolence, loveshumanslol, and somarium.
Where: Aaall over Somarium.
Style: First
Status: Open

[after receiving this lovely text message, Shizuo did what he normally would do.

go out and find the stupid flea so he could rip his head off with his bare hands.

how Shizuo had managed to find Izaya, who knows. but he had and they were now running all over the village and city, utilizing all their crazy parkour skills in the process. jumping off buildings, running along fences and balconies and rooftops-the works.

with the added bonus of Shizuo just flinging whatever he could grab his hands on-trashcans, fence posts, light posts, sign posts, post boxes, and his signature weapon: the occasional vending machine.

Izaya was probably flinging knives (where the hell he kept all of them is a good question) at every opportune moment at Shizuo.

heads up, Somarium. the strongest man from Ikebukuro and one of the most manipulative bastards around were tearing through.]


[was it mentioned that Shizuo was currently armed with a broken off guardrail? ..yeeeeah.]

[ooc: anyone's free to tag and thread with each other since. these two are just going to be. well. themselves. or try to stop them |D if you want to interact with one of them in particular, just make a note somewhere!]

shizuo heiwajima, izaya orihara, !location: somni, apple bloom, !location: espoir, amaterasu

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