❦ 001 ;; Nunnally

Jun 11, 2011 21:21

Who: Nunnally (incorruption) Suzaku (keptdown)
Where: Lelouch's house, Espoir. (backdated to earlier this week)
Style: first, if that's okay |D;;
Status: Closed.

[As Nunnally waits for Suzaku, she's torn between being nervous and excited. Of course, she wants to see her dear friend again, but ( Read more... )

nunnally vi britannia, !location: espoir

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SLAMS INTO THIS LOG LIKE A FLYING SQUIRREL keptdown June 19 2011, 03:21:22 UTC
[ it takes him under five minutes to actually get to the mansion (taking his sweet, sweet time, letting Nunnally have time to gather herself, and himself time to recover), but when he reaches the doors he ends up pushing perhaps a bit too hard and, ah, good thing Lelouch didn't know about this.

or, at least, he hoped not.

either way, Suzaku is quick to find Nunnally, big blue eyes, wheelchair, and all, he gives a smile and moves to stand beside her. ]

Nunnally! [ hhhm. ] Hello.


OMG IT'S SO AMAZING incorruption June 19 2011, 20:52:32 UTC
[her face brightened as soon as she caught sight of Suzaku.]

Oh, hello Suzaku! [It feels good to see him in person, not just hear him over the Dreamberry or see that video feed.] I'm so glad you agreed to come.

[Frankly, she had been worried that he wouldn't agree to it. But now she was glad she asked anyway.]


THE MOST AMAZING (YEA) keptdown June 21 2011, 22:51:06 UTC
[ a good sign, then; he nods, laughing a bit- nervous, as is. ]

Did you have any doubt that I would? [ which is in no way meant negatively, but. baaah his mouth sometimes... amended quickly: ] I'm glad I came, too.


(YAY) X INFINITY incorruption June 22 2011, 02:56:04 UTC
Not at all! [Though that's not entirely true, but naturally she's not going to say that.] Why would I think that you wouldn't?

[At least he sounds happy. ...Maybe. She shakes her head after a moment, determined not to think about things like that.]

Should we get going, then?


keptdown June 22 2011, 22:49:58 UTC
Mm, no. [ shaking his head as well, and moving to settle comfortably behind her wheelchair. ] It's... not important.

Of course. Did you have anywhere specific that you wanted to go?

[ because he doesn't, really. ]


incorruption June 23 2011, 01:31:32 UTC
...Hm. [She's just going to let it go.

She ponders his next question for a moment, and shrugs.] Mm...not really. I just wanted to explore Somarium a little more, since I haven't been out that much.


keptdown June 29 2011, 02:12:36 UTC
[ atta girl!

pushing that wheelchair out the dooor. ] As you wish. [ a slip-up, getting too familiar with being mechanical behind the wheelchair. ] We'll explore, then. You sure you don't want me to call Lelouch and have him come with us, too?

[ not that he won't hear the end of it later for taking Nunnally out supposedly without Lelouch's knowledge... ]


incorruption June 30 2011, 01:12:39 UTC
[She's not going to let this new formality get to her. She's not going to let it. She wanted to spend some time with him, after all.]

It's okay. I left him a note that I was going out.

[She did need some fresh air every now and then, after all.]


keptdown June 30 2011, 02:12:08 UTC
[ he really doesn't mean to be so formal- it's just that royalty is royalty, and will always be such. blame Lelouch for ingraining that in him. ]

I see. Well, I suppose I won't get an earful later after all. [ a chuckle. ]

What do I tell him when he asks what happened?

[ mischievous who is not him alksjoge ]


incorruption June 30 2011, 17:10:01 UTC

I'll make sure you don't, okay? [Oh, there's that smile coming back when he chuckles.]

Just tell him I wanted to spend some time with you. I don't see why he wouldn't mind anyway.


keptdown June 30 2011, 23:43:28 UTC
[ (nottalking)

-- (bah). ] It's alright. I'm used to it.

[ HAHAHA he'd mind because Lord Zero wants to steal you away... but has only held back because lol Lelouch is dead. will die. his hands still itch to just roll Nunnally out to the guest house. yeesh.

but! not saying any of that, nope. ] I'll tell him that, then. If it's something you want, he'll calm down well enough. [ not that Suzaku isn't going to srstroll him a little bit first... ]


incorruption July 1 2011, 19:13:00 UTC
[:| But this does cause her a little bit of a frown.]

...You shouldn't be used to it, though.

[Why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends--

Suzaku has to know that being separated from Lelouch would devastate her. And also something that more than likely wouldn't last long.] I don't understand why he would be mad in the first place.

[Was this really a bad idea?]

You two...won't fight, will you?


keptdown July 1 2011, 19:19:11 UTC
[ he thinks to tell her not to tell him what he should and shouldn't be used to.

he doesn't. ] It's alright. [ repeated. ]

Not mad, persay... he just likes to hear himself talk. [ bitter, bitter, so bitter.

and the bitteress is gone as soon as it came, replaced by a smile. ]

We won't fight. Don't worry- if it comes to that, I'll stay away.


incorruption July 1 2011, 20:42:28 UTC
[It's just not right, that's all.]

Well...I can't argue with that, sometimes.

[So uneasy, so very uneasy. But she's trying to lighten up, she really is.]

Thank you. I don't know what I would do if you and Lelouch started fighting...

[She couldn't help it - by the way he was talking, it had sounded as if it might happen. Suzaku's so very different, and so is her brother too. Though it had to have been expected, right? After everything that had happened...she really couldn't wish for things to be the same again, could she?

Almost on instinct, she reaches up behind her to put brush her fingers gently on the back of his hands. She almost feels like Viceroy Nunnally all over again, trying to gain comfort from his touch. Because Suzaku would never lie to her, would he? Not right now.

But she wasn't Viceroy anymore. She was an Empress, and two of the most important people in her life weren't with her anymore. She didn't want them to spend their time here at odds with each other.]


keptdown July 1 2011, 21:14:52 UTC
[ smiling at that. he knows she's trying to lighten up, but- Lelouch is a touchy topic even for him.

because he killed Lelouch, after all. ]

I like listening to him talk. [ it tells him Lelouch is alive. ]

We wouldn't. [ and if they did, it wouldn't be in front of you. ] I won't let it get there.

[ and then he sees that hand reaching to touch his, and he knows. he lets her do it, keeps his hand perfectly still for a moment, simply because lying is something he's not doing. (he would stay away if a fight broke out. if and only if. and he wouldn't let it get there.), eyes closing.

his hand turns up, palm-first, moving to take her hand and bring it to his lips. ]

Don't worry. [ another repeat, across the backs of her fingers. ]


incorruption July 1 2011, 21:30:25 UTC
I like it, too. [Especially now.]

Good. [When she feels him take her hand, she smiles yet again. Now that's more familiar. She relaxes just a little, letting out a sigh now.]

Okay, I won't then. [Or she'll try harder not to.] I know you'll take care of everything.


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