Who: The Code Geass cast + Suzaku's random roommates
Where: Suzaku's house in Espoir
Style: 1st
Status: Semi-Open
[Unfortunately for Lelouch, he woke up to the entire mansion at a balmy 85 degrees Fahrenheit (and steadily rising) due to the lack of a working air conditioner. With the outside temperature near 100, he desperately needed to find somewhere to go where it was an acceptable temperature, especially because he did not want Nunnally to have to suffer in this heat, too.
he called Suzaku. And, like Lelouch knew he would, Suzaku said that he, Nunnally and C.C. could come over until their air was working again.]
[So, here they (they being Nunnally and Lelouch, for C.C. was not yet home from wherever she had gone that morning) stand waiting on Suzaku (or one of his many roommates) to answer the door.
Let the party begin.]