Kyou ✖ 013

Jun 04, 2011 21:51

Who: Kyou Sohma & somarium
Where: Somni Third District, general area of Kazuma's Dojo
Style: Whichever
Status: Open ( Read more... )

!location: somni, tohru honda, flynn rider, kyou sohma

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zodiac_shishou June 8 2011, 04:22:06 UTC
Kazuma was putting away some of the equipment since everyone had already left for the day and Tohru had been kind enough to take care of sweeping while he finished up with one of the new students. Soon though the dojo was empty and Kazuma took a seat near one of the windows facing towards the trees of the park. It was almost summer and before long all the matts would have to be taken up for cleaning, but despite all the responsiblities of the dojo he kept wondering about Kyou and Tohru. He had been seperated from his son for periods of time before while training and it had never been easy, and now he was the one waiting for the other to return. As for Tohru, Kazuma had kept a close eye on her and looked after her while she stayed with him, though she has insisted on taking care of all the cooking after Kazuma tried once just after Kyou had left.

She had done so much for the Sohma family, would do so much he supposed as he recalled both of their apparent shock at the most recent dream. The still had so much room to grow. He simply hoped that he would get to watch it as he had the first time, he had thought about sending Tohru over to Hatori's and Yuki's for the night to visit to ease her mind a little though since it had been a month already. "How long do you plan on wandering."


noleeksthanks June 8 2011, 15:55:14 UTC
Kyou hadn't expected that he would meet one of the new students of the dojo so soon when he had finally returned home. It was good to know that there were others who had become interested in the facility. That and that it gave something for his father to do while he was away. Another distraction of sorts for Kazuma while the he was away trying to solve his problems on his own.

He had seen Tohru as well and they had talked a little, the awkwardness from their past lives seemingly gone when they finally met once again.

All that was left now was to greet Kazuma as soon as he saw him. Hopefully, his disappearance from the dojo had not caused his father to worry all to much about him. He peeked into the room after depositing his shoes at the door. A part of him was glad that the dojo's first floor didn't have too many rooms to look through making it a lot easier to actually find his master. When he finally does, he smiles reassuringly at him. "I'm back."


zodiac_shishou June 8 2011, 21:36:37 UTC
Hearing Kyou's voice Kazuma stood up and turned in the direct of the entrance smiling, "You've returned, welcome home Kyou."

Kazuma was glad to finally see his son again and that he had apparently done well in the time that he was away. And was hopefully able to clear his mind a little so that he would be more focused and come to realize what he really felt and what was important. "It's good to see you again. Did it go well?"


noleeksthanks June 11 2011, 03:27:23 UTC
Kyou shrugged his backpack off his shoulder and placed it against the wall where it wouldn't bother anyone before approaching Kazuma. He thought about the question for a moment, debating on how he should answer it. The time away was definitely helpful when it came to clearing his head, but Kyou still had doubts about his feelings towards a certain brunette.

All his life, he'd come to believe that there just wasn't a chance that anyone could truly care for him without getting hurt somehow, whether physically or emotionally. There were times when he'd recall the things that had happened in the past; Kyoko's death, his mother's suicide. Memories that he wished would never resurface. With memories such as those it only made him frightened to become close to others, fearing that some tragedy would befall them as well.

And he didn't want that to happen, especially to someone like Tohru. Even if did mean that he would have to push her away whenever, his feelings for her would resurface. Even if it hurt him inside.

But he couldn't lie to Kazuma after all he's done for Kyou. He let out a sigh, the expression on his face unsure. "A little, yeah."


zodiac_shishou June 17 2011, 04:08:15 UTC
Kazuma couldn't help but to ruffle Kyou's hair a little. Even if he hadn't learned everything he had set out to, it had at least straightened them out a little for the time being. He knew that much of what was weighing on the child's mind, but what could he say about an area that he knew so little about. "That's good, and welcome home again. Tohru has kept your room rather clean in your absence."

She had been an excellent help around the dojo but still at times Kazuma felt bad having her do so much, not to mention she was always having to cook.


noleeksthanks June 20 2011, 02:11:42 UTC
He didn't mind the show of affection Kazuma displayed towards him. It had been a while since he's done that after all. Even if there are times when it did ruffle his feathers, there was the small consolation of having no one else in the room with them.

Hearing that Tohru still found time to keep his room tidy made him press his lips together tightly. She still did something like that, huh? It may have been an action that was expected of the girl but he couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt inside him. Just how much work had been piled onto her because of his departure?

"Do you need help with anything? New students, chores? Anything, Shishou!" Kyou as determined to at least make up for the time he way away, in whatever way possible.


zodiac_shishou June 21 2011, 14:33:08 UTC
"Everyone has left for today, I will introduce you to some of them tomorrow. For now you can put your things away and we'll have some tea and discuss the chores. Soon we'll have to pull the mats out to clean them."


noleeksthanks June 21 2011, 17:42:20 UTC
It seemed like Kyou was getting ahead of himself, thinking about helping around the house before tending to things that he needed to do for himself. Nevertheless, he was glad that you could finally return to some sense of normalcy after so long.

Being out on his own had taken a toll to his body, sleeping in whatever available apartment he could find with only the bare necessities and living off what he could with the few dream points that he had for himself. It really was nice to be back home where he had a bed, a permanent roof over his head, food in the kitchen... And probably the two most important people in his life around him. He shook his head his head, jarring himself back into reality.

"I met one of them earlier. She was just leaving." He frowned a little trying to place her name again. "Mulan, I think?"


zodiac_shishou June 22 2011, 00:07:45 UTC
He knew that the other would most likely need his rest for the moment, and since it was already starting to get dark it would be time to start getting dinner together soon as well. "Ahh, Mulan Fou I believe. She has come on a few occasions along with several others that have been attending."


noleeksthanks June 22 2011, 04:34:25 UTC
"Have there been a lot? Of students, I mean." Kyou wanted to at least be up to date with who has been coming in and out of the dojo while he was away. He might not be the most social person but this was one thing he needed to stay on top of.


piercedpainter June 29 2011, 04:59:05 UTC
"There have only been a few that come regularly, three of four, however there have been some that come to observe every so often as well or come for a single day." Kazuma figured that given time Kyou would get to meet off of them and would bond with them in the same way that he had with many of the other students back home.


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